So many things that are hidden in our surroundings are unexpected and unique. Wehn you observer carefully with your eyes wide open, you some times discover the most beautiful things. Below we bring you some unexpected photos that prove that there is so much more that we need to discover.
A whale skeleton in the middle of a rainforest in Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
“A 4,000-lumen flashlight through my hand”
An X-ray of a pregnant dog

A Knight’s armor is actually very flexible.
Some 5-pointed starfish can be square due to birth defects.
In zero gravity, a candle’s flame is round and blue.
A squirrel without a bushy tail
A dog dental implant
Cold and hot water on TV
“My friend caught this fish off the coast of Hawaii.”
“The biggest lobster claw I’ve ever seen!”
A vortex on the window
The world is at your feet.
How different SPF levels look through a UV camera
A needle and thread under an electron microscope

“The way this ice froze in my water bottle overnight”
Snow covered the net roof of the aviary in the zoo.
Found these facts interesting? If yes, we would like to know more such facts. So, share with us if you know of some more fun and interesting facts.