People often say that you should try everything at least once, especially when peer pressure is involved. But neither the truth of the statement nor how well it works can be proven. But people are still expected to want to do things that are considered “milestones.”
One Reddit user asked what things people refuse to try even once. These things are called “anti-bucket list” items. Even though you don’t need an excuse to not do something, these people made some excellent and interesting points, even though you don’t need an excuse to not do something.
In this thread, more than 4,000 people talked about their biggest “nopes,” and Hiptoro chose the answers that were the most popular overall. It’s possible that these people don’t want to join the craze because they want to keep their sanity, but it’s also possible that they don’t know what all the fuss is about. Please keep scrolling down and let us know if you can relate to any of these or if any of them are on your list of things to do before you die. In any case, make sure to give your favorites more votes than they already have, and tell us in the comments section below what you would never, ever try.
Having children.
I won’t give my children my fibromyalgia or any of my other bad traits. I promise. I’m very good at keeping myself under control, but I just can’t bring myself to put anyone else through what they’re going through. Also, I would much rather be free to do whatever I want than have to take care of children. I have nothing against moms in general, but I couldn’t imagine myself living that way. Neither of these is what married life is like.
Climbing mount Everest.
There were too many dead bodies; it was too cold; and there wasn’t enough oxygen. I don’t understand why other people want to do it or try it, but after seeing Everest, I don’t feel the same way about it myself. Nope.
Crawling through very small, dark spaces, where you could get stuck and suffocate. If you went in it alone, there wouldn’t be anyone else around to help you, so you wouldn’t have much of a chance. Even if you are with someone else, you may not have much time left to call for help if you are stuck and can’t move forward. No, I will never even think about doing something like that.
My grandfather died of lung cancer. When he was younger, he smoked a lot, so he got lung cancer. He had been sick for a long time. The fact that it had been so long since he’d had his last cigarette before he was diagnosed shows how serious the health risks of smoking are. Even thinking about cigarettes makes me feel sick, let alone being around people who are smoking, and I have no plans ever to try one myself.
My fear of tight spaces is so bad that just thinking about being in a place like a cave makes me feel sick to my stomach.
An open relationship.
Not wearing a seat belt.
In other words, the rotten fish.
Getting on a cruise.
I’m one of those people who become ill when they move around a lot. I’m also very shy, so the idea of being stuck on a boat with a bunch of strange people while I puke myself to death sounds like the worst kind of torture to me.
Casu marzu.
You couldn’t buy my silence with money or anything else of value.
Drunk driving.
Since I live in Wisconsin, I’m always surprised by how many people do this.
Drinking alcohol.
It hurts me to say this because it makes me sound like a whiny child, but I’ve had way too many problems in my life, and I’m afraid that if I tried to solve them with alcohol, I’d end up with an even bigger problem.
Anything that needs to be done from a high place, like bungee jumping or rock climbing.
Energy Drinks.
The main reason is that I don’t like the way they smell. It doesn’t matter to me if they smell better than they taste because I have a feeling they will still taste bad.
Sky Diving
Deep sea diving.
Since I know what’s there, I won’t bother going down to say hello.
That stupid ride at the amusement park makes you feel like you’re bungee jumping to your death. Sorry, but I can’t make it.
My roommates are big fans of marijuana, and whenever they can, they try to get me to join them in their hobby. But I’m just not interested. That has to be some of the most disgusting trash I’ve ever smelled in my whole life. I understand that other people might feel differently, but I don’t like it.
Even though I’m not a vegetarian, it gives me the creeps to think about how it’s cooked and how you have to cut it open to get to the meat.
An Ouija board.
There isn’t enough alcohol for everyone in the world.
I want to make it clear that I have nothing against karaoke, but I also know that I’m not the right person for it. So, it’s not on my list of things I want to do before I die.
Contact lenses.
The skin around the eyes shouldn’t be touched in any way.
A durian fruit.
I can’t even go beyond the fact that its smell is so strong.
Do something like acting or singing that requires you to be on stage.
I don’t like anything bitter, and I can tell by the smell that I won’t like it.