There are no certain rules that you think are right or wrong. You can argue with a few but you can’t define rules. One Reddit user started the AskReddit asking people, ‘What is one ‘unwritten rule’ you think eyerone should know and follow?’.
Scroll down to check out the replies he got.
Never make fun of someone else’s laugh — be it how they sound or how they look. Laughing is the most natural expression of joy and happiness, and for someone to feel self-conscious about that because of other people’s comments is so brutal.
Don’t put your music on speakers when in a public space. It’s not like everyone wants the same genre or was in the mood for music. Get your headphones.
Don’t ever say ‘oh, you’ve only got one child. That must be so lonely for them.’ Because maybe that person tried for years to have that one child, maybe they chose one for good reasons, maybe that had another child that died that you don’t know about. Or, maybe it’s none of your business how many children people have. Actually, it’s definitely not your business. So, shhhhh.
Be kind to people who are working: food staff, medical staff, etc. Don’t take your bad day out on someone else.
For buses/trains/any other public transportation, let people exit first before you get on.
Don’t say s**t about someone’s appearance if it can’t be fixed in less than 30 seconds. Spinach in someone’s teeth? Let a homie know. Body type? Bad haircut? Worn-out clothes? Don’t need to mention it.
Do not swipe left or right if someone shows you a photo on their phone.
I live by this rule I made after thinking about things late at night. If someone does something that makes them happy and confident. If it doesn’t hurt them or anyone else, animals included. Then leave them alone, let them do that thing. Let them be happy.
Don’t propose at someone else’s wedding.
You can be wrong. It isn’t a bad thing, either. And when you are wrong, acknowledge it, and learn from it, you don’t need to dig down in your beliefs to try and comfort yourself because you can’t handle not being right all the time.
Always say please and thank you. Just because your an adult doesn’t give you the right to stop practicing manners. Drives me crazy.
Chew with your mouth closed. Shocks me how many adults i see chewing with their mouth open.
There was only 1 rule in my house growing up…do not wake anyone up. My parents worked shift work. Its amaZing to me now how many people don’t respect sleep.
There are 2 people in your life you NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LIE TO. Your doctor and your lawyer.
If you’re borrowing it for a third time, you need one of your own.
FFS be self-aware. I mean, be aware of the space you occupy, of your movements, of where you are. Don’t zig-zag on sidewalks, don’t fill the entire width of the sidewalk. Be aware of your kid moving their arms like a helicopter. DON’T STOP IN YOUR TRACKS TO CHECK THE F**KING PHONE, walk slower, or step aside but don’t be that kind of person. Just be aware of your body and don’t be a dummy. This applies to whole families too, and people in cars, in supermarket lanes, wherever.
Don’t leave your shopping cart in the middle of the grocery aisle!
Don’t mess up an apology with an excuse.
Wash your hands after the toilet. Walkouts are shocking.
If you borrow someone’s car, fill up the tank before you return it.
Announce your visits. You can’t be offended that nobody is home when you decide to drop by at random. Plus it’s super unfair to the host since it gives no time to prepare anything and they might have to drop everything they were just doing just to entertain you or cancel their plans.
Leave it in a better condition than you found it.
Don’t let friends drive drunk. Maybe offer to get an uber or something for strangers, too, if you can
Don’t start drama at a funeral.
Always ask if a dog is friendly. You never know what kind of weird behavior things a dog can have, even when they appear friendly at first. I had a dog who would be fine until someone bent down to pet him. He was very protective and nearly bit a few people. I’d they has asked first we could have told them that he doesn’t like being pet by strangers. I would hate to have to put my dog down because you are an idiot around animals.
Turn down your bass! Be more considerate of your neighbors in apartment complexes. I’m tired of people sitting outside my window in their car with their bass on full blast…at 2-3am! ((That’s why I’m awake right now.)) I’m also greatly annoyed at my neighbors turning up their music (bass) to the point where it’s rattling things on my walls. After getting multiple complaints you know it’s a problem thus are choosing to be bad neighbors. *Also they have a lot of small children who should definitely be asleep but of course arent.