The migrants of Central America have recently marched to the Consulate of the U.S. on Tuesday in Tijuana. These two group of migrants have come with a list of demands. One of the group has given an ultimatum to the administration of Trump which states either the Republican Administration lets them in or they have to pay them with $50,000 to go back home.

Some of the other demands were that the deportations must be put at halt and that the seekers of asylum should be processed faster and in great number as well.
At around 11 am the first group of members of caravan which also includes 100 migrants reportedly arrived at the consulate. The organizer who came from Honduras has said that the group has chosen a minimum of $50,000 as a rate of compensation.

Ulloa told the San Diego Union-Tribune that it might look like a lot of money for the people. But it is really a little sum of money when contrasted to what the US had stole from Honduras. Ulloa also said that the money is going to help the people in returning to their homes and open up small businesses.
A letter which came from the group has criticized the United States in an intervention which took place in Central America. They have asked the United States for removing Orlando Hernandez, Honduran President from the office and they have also given 72 hours to the consulate to respond.

Meanwhile the letter which has been penned by the second group consisting of 50 migrants also made its way to the consulate around 1:20 pm and has asked the U.S. in speeding up the process of asylum and also in admitting around 300 seekers of the asylum everything in San Diego. As of now only 40-100 seekers have been admitted.
Source: foxnews