While some people could be a dog person by birth, there are others who have just realized their love for dogs and are out there to get one.
While searching on the internet or asking your friends about different breeds is one way to do some research about dogs, another very helpful way could be these comics which you’re about to see below.
Grace Gogarty is the artist who has created these comics about different dog breeds. She has beautifully tried to explain all the breeds in as few words as possible and they are on point.
Scroll down below to read:
Grace has a doggo of her own but nobody knows the breed of that one
First, we have a husky who we all know loves to be outside all the time
They are just lovable giants
They don’t care even if they smell stinky as heck
But hopefully, he won’t have to
And here I thought Shiba Inu’s were gentle and calm
To be honest, that sums them up pretty perfectly
If you see a hound, they are probably napping
But one day they will learn, it just might take years
They might be the nicest or they might be the epitome of anxiety, no one knows
So I can gorge on everything currently sitting on the countertop
I wonder what those folds will reveal
And they are not as scary as everyone thinks
They use their big puppy dog eyes a whole lot
But will always be hyperactive
They might be the smartest of all the breeds but that doesn’t mean they use it
Grace has been drawing comics since she was a kid. She love animals from the bottom of her heart. Therefore her focus is always dogs and its related matters. She says she has worked as a supervisor at a doggy daycare for years and got to meet lots of dogs.
The cartoon dogs featured in this guide are the breeds that she has met the most.
Might not be the smartest but they are lovable goofs
Didn’t know their music choice was so specific
They don’t do middle ground. It doesn’t exist in their mind
All of the dog breeds are awesome and all of them deserve a forever home. Grace has used her imagination and perception in this artistic drawings. And many of us may not agree with the characteristics given to each breed. But this is purely a hilarious comic rather than a scientific fact.
Huh, I never knew different coats of fur meant different personalities in labs
I don’t know what I want!
They might be the smartest of all the breeds but that doesn’t mean they use it
Great Danes also love to sleep in weird positions
So basically me then?
And don’t forget about the hyperactivity and all that jumping around
Do you agree with any of these? Why not comment down below and let us know which dog breeds do you have.