Attack on Titan is a popular anime series based on the manga “Shingeki No Kyojin.” The anime series franchise has been one of the most popular in the last decade that has surged the popularity of the anime series industry.
The anime series is ongoing and will finish within the next few years. The series will have a total of six seasons in the series, as per sources.
Attack on Titan was licensed for a few months instead of years, and it has been removed since the license date has expired. Not just AoT but also various other anime titles and popular shows have been removed from Netflix in the past, and some of them have even made a comeback on the streaming platform.
Now, fans of the popular series wonder whether Attack on Titan will be back on Netflix.
They removed Attack On Titan from Netflix?
— Basi (@Basi_cally) March 14, 2023
Why was Attack on Titan Removed From Netflix?
It is not clear why the anime series was removed from Netflix. The streaming platform has removed multiple popular TV and anime series in the past due to the ending of the license agreement, and it could be a possible reason why Netflix has removed AoT from its platform.
Will Attack on Titan Be Back on Netflix?
AoT got massive popularity on Netflix since it is a streaming giant, and many fans discovered the anime series first time on Netflix itself. It is, by far, one of the most-watched anime series on Netflix as well.
Even though Season 1 of AoT became a huge hit on the platform, Season 2 was never released on the platform. The second season was released on Funimation, indicating that Aot may not return on Netflix.
Where to Watch Attack on Titan Online After Its Removal from Netflix?
Even though the anime series has been removed from Netflix, it is available on multiple platforms like Hulu, Adult Swim, Funimation, Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, Crunchyroll, and more.