Israeli scientists recently made an announcement that they will find a “complete cure” for cancer within a year. However, here’s why some experts are questioning the promised time frame.
Researchers and scientists of Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd (AEBi), an Israeli company, made headlines with this announcement in January. Dan Aridor, the Board chairman, said that they will soon be capable of offering a complete cure for Cancer and other similar diseases and that too within a year.

Aridor also claimed that the promised cure for Cancer 2019 will start working from the first day itself and will be effective through a few weeks. Furthermore, the cure will have almost no or minimal side effects.
As per the reports, the scientists are developing an antibiotic using multi-target toxin (MuTaTo) and peptides (amino acids compounds).
Peptides are not only cheaper, but they also easier to work with as compared to the antibodies.
The complete cancer cure supported by the scientific explanations definitely sound promising. The next question that comes to our mind is even if the cure will work, is it really possible to achieve this within a year?
Cure for Cancer 2019: High hopes of AEBi
Before making the announcement regarding the cure for Cancer 2019, the company has already started the work of patenting the peptides. AEBi CEO Ilan Morad also confirmed that the first exploratory experiment is already completed and it showed positive results. It was repeatable and consistent as well.
However, the company has not published the research work in any medical journals yet as it is not affordable at the moment. It is a crucial step for the project so that others can also review it and provide their suggestions.

Dr. Lichtenfeld warned the readers about this cure for Cancer 2019 and said,
We hope that this approach also bears fruit and is successful. At the same time, we must always offer a note of caution that the process to get this treatment from mouse to man is not always a simple and uncomplicated journey.