At the Montclair Film Festival screening of his new movie, The Whale, which marks his triumphant return to Hollywood after...
Read moreThe lawyer who defended Johnny Depp and the top talent agency, CAA, have both stopped working with Kanye West. The...
Read moreMichael Jackson has been known for a long time as the "King of Pop." In recent years, however, people have...
Read moreMichael J. Fox has given his fans an update on his health while he is still fighting Parkinson's disease. After...
Read moreOnce again, Dick Van Dyke has shown why his fans all over the world love him so much. The actor...
Read moreWill Smith got back into the swing of things on Monday when he talked about the impressive list of stars...
Read moreKanye West has lost his billionaire status now that Adidas has dropped him because of his anti-Semitic rant and GAP...
Read moreMartha Stewart has said that she wouldn't mind going on a date with Pete Davidson, who is thought to be...
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