Within the intriguing narrative of Bungo Stray Dogs, the captivating character of Osamu Dazai stands out. His unique power, “No Longer Human,” nullifies abilities, but, like any intriguing tale, there’s more beneath the surface.
A Legacy and A Power Intertwined
Dazai’s power isn’t just a narrative device; it’s deeply rooted in literary history. The name “No Longer Human” is borrowed from a seminal 1948 novel, a reflective portrayal of a man battling personal demons while presenting a front of normalcy. Similarly, in Bungo Stray Dogs, Dazai is portrayed with his internal struggles evident, with his power encapsulating the duality of his character.

Dazai’s Power: Not Absolute
Contrary to Dazai’s claims, his ability isn’t infallible. One notable example is the brilliant Edogawa Ranpo, who, while perceived to have a special ability, is just a sheer genius. Thus, Dazai’s power doesn’t affect him.
But the most significant challenge to Dazai’s power came with Howard Phillips Lovecraft and his transformation into the “Great Old One.” Despite Dazai’s attempt to nullify it, Lovecraft’s eldritch form remained potent. This moment raised eyebrows, hinting at the limits of “No Longer Human.”

Another exception is the character Yukito Ayatsuji from Bungo Stray Dogs Gaiden. His “Another” ability, leading to unintended consequences, remains beyond Dazai’s reach.
The Vulnerable Side of Dazai
Despite the might of “No Longer Human,” Dazai isn’t immune to challenges. One glaring vulnerability is his inability to benefit from Akiko Yosano’s healing power, “Thou Shalt Not Die.” This limitation was evident during the intense Cannibalism incident in Season 3, emphasizing Dazai’s mortality.
While there’s a narrow window where Yosano can save Dazai, it’s a precarious solution at best. This aspect of Dazai showcases the layered storytelling of Bungo Stray Dogs, where even powerful characters have vulnerabilities.
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Beyond Abilities: Dazai’s True Essence
Dazai’s character isn’t defined solely by “No Longer Human.” His intellect is his real asset, driving the strategies and decisions of the Agency. While he can hold his own in a physical confrontation, Dazai’s real strength lies in his cerebral approach. When required, his touch can be a game-changer, ensuring the scales tip in his team’s favor.

In the end, Dazai’s multifaceted character, complete with his strengths and vulnerabilities, makes him one of the most compelling figures in Bungo Stray Dogs, ensuring viewers remain hooked to his every move.