Yet another loss to Vikings by the margin of pushed Eagles on the back foot. The margin was 23-21. The ultimate margin standings lie as 2-3. This has created a must-win Situation for the Vikings on Thursday with the New York Giants.
This loss has shattered the dreams of millions of fans in the coming season. Following the loss, Eagles Fan went on another Epic rant this made out calling for the offensive lines for their woes in one or more awesome rants he has ever gone on.
They have to play with the best of their abilities to make up for the loss. Fans have to wait for the next season. This can even worsen the things for the Eagles. The coach opines that the team’s performance was quite demolishing in nature. Just fans have to wait for the next match by keeping their finger crossed. This has made things even worse for the Rants. They just need to pace their match tactics to reduce the chances of loss in their next encounter.
This has made the situation much worse than ever. This was just the rematch of last season’s NFC championship game which was played on this field. It also was a meeting of teams expected to be NFC heavyweights this season that had struggled to start the year. Vikings quarterback had touched down 30-37 passing. This made the recode of Vikings improved by a 2-2-1 margin. Thus the fans have to wait for the next encounter by keeping their finger crossed. Adam Thielen had made seven catches for 116 yards. So, now only it depends on the next performance of Eagles what is there in their fate for the next season and for the coming encounters which they will have to face. This has made things more anxious than ever.