Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece Manga has created a massive cult following among the otaku fandom. Despite being widely successful, One Piece has received several concerns for the narrative and illustrations of the female characters.
The Fan Reaction To The One Piece Manga’s Sketches Of Women
One Piece manga has received enough criticism for how Eiichiro Oda sketches the women in his manga.

“I know he makes all the women look super sexy to appease most of his fan base (horny teen boys) to be fair I’m a part of that. But how is them being unrealistically skinny attractice? I’d find them more attractive if they were more normal looking, instead of having anorexia. Is it just his art style? I’m not complaining, I’ve always just wondered about it. I guess it’s just part of the kinda goofy artstyle of One Piece.”
Criticism has been leveled against Eiichiro Oda’s portrayal of women in his One Piece manga. His manga’s depictions of women are wildly twisted from reality and have unattainable beauty standards. Characters like Nami and Robin have faced significant criticism for their portrayals.

While other fans can ignore all of these distractions and still enjoy the One Piece manga.
“It’s all opinions anyway, some people dislike the way he draws women, some like it and, I’d guess, most don’t really care.”
Others, nonetheless, are still dissatisfied and have distinct opinions on how women are portrayed.
“I don’t actively hate it, it just bothers me because it distracts me. It’s one of those things that take me “out” the same way someone might get distracted by period inaccurate costuming in a period film. That being said, I think for me it’s more of an anime only problem since a) it’s exaggerated from Oda’s actual art and b) the characters are, you know, animated. They’re moving around so there’s more things to see”
“I think it’s one of those cultural things where unless Japan’s culture changes towards underage kids being sexualised then I don’t think any mangaka will steer away from it without reason, the only mangaka I can think of that doesn’t sexualise their characters is the guy who wrote Jujutsu kaisen because he wants his mom to read it”
In the SBS interviews, Eiichiro Oda said that the objective was primarily to attract more “young boys and connect them to their fantasies”.
I keep saying this, but I’m just bringing the young boys’ dreams to life! All of humanity on earth! I command your breasts to grow~! (Source)
He continued by describing how he draws his female figures with three circles and an x. The body is formed by an X, two circles for the breasts, and one circle for the head.
“Yes. Hello. It’s drawing time at the SBS segment. I would suggest that you think of a woman’s proportions as “three circles, one X”. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be leaving. (I only draw this kind of body, so I get a lot of complaint postcards from my female audience. Let’s all stay strong and keep on living life.” (Source)

Leaving all the objections aside, it is an excellent development that fans, regardless of how much they enjoy the One Piece manga, have grown more aware and are speaking out about its flaws.
Source: Reddit