Have you ever cooked chicken that was rare and thought it was safe to eat? We think it’s a great way to take a load off and have a laugh. Enjoy!
1. “LOL”
2. Right then.
3. Perhaps, an emergency?
4. The Economics has failed.
5. No one’s home and the lights are on.
6. The Flinstones isn’t a documentary at all.
7. What’s the point of masks then?
8. “Enjoy your meal!”
9. Yikes…
10. A lying student’s confessions.
11. As seen on James and the Giant Peach.
12. How living in the middle would be…
13. Just… why?
14. Questioning the wrong crowd.
15. “In the middle of a panoramic.”
16. Good question.
17. Nice message on the bottom.
18. Spotify remembering Lennon.
19. Cars gendered pointlessly.
20. A big “NO”.
21. “What kind of nese?”
22. Just a corporate logic.
23. Seems like a good way to start off a new day, new you.
24. He just wanted to recharge.
25. They totally deserve some space.
26. He didn’t plan it properly.
27. Safety is the utmost priority.
28. Seems like a renovation that was unscheduled.