Everyone has off days. Images of those moments in life have been captured so that people like us can enjoy them. Some of these are you.
1. This person needs to read a “book”.
2. “Your driver’s license?”
3. This is gold.
4. Awkward indeed.
5. These seem hard!
6. Poor kids.
7. “This is your grandma”
8. That statement was ineffective.
9. Funny story.
10. “You’re just hurting yourself.”
11. She’s basically making her way to god easy. What an unsuccessful attempt.
12. How hard is it to understand?
13. Speak English. Not Science.
14. She’s right about it, isn’t she?
15. Dumb advice? “Na”
16. It seems to be working.
17. She was hoping that her unsuccessful attempt would work.
18. The person mistook Christina Aguilera as a man.
19. “Stab me?”
20. Called Kobe a “sociopath”.
21. Are they talking about Spinach?
22. That’s a camouflaged promotion.
23. Very anti-club.
24. Actress vs. Actor
25. The queen’s ID must be protected!
26. His family betrayed him.
27. Read carefully.
28. An unsuccessful attempt within a gap of 30 seconds.
29. Karma took care of Troy.