The shares of Nokia, the Finnish telecommunications company has reportedly rallied nearly 30 percent of the people in the year 2018, thankfully to two letters: 5G.
The stock is still trading below the sky-high levels during the boom of dotcom, back in the time when Nokia was deemed as the top mobile phone seller in the whole world.

In the course of time, Nokia has reportedly gained good momentum in the market of mobile communications in being the key player of making 5G equipment as well as the software related to the technology. The effort of the company has helped in putting Finland back on the map in the race all around the world in developing and implementing the fifth and the advanced generation of wireless technology.
The head of research at GSMA Intelligence, Tim Hatt, in a phone interview with the CNBC said that Nokia is trying in regaining the lead as far as technology is concerned in 5G which was significantly lost in the past 15 years via the era of the Smartphone.

5G technologies, time and again have been promising in making the connections faster with lower latency by bringing down the delay of time for the devices in communicating among the network by providing quicker downloading speeds.
Nokia has revealed that the potential of a 5G network is going to reach far beyond the idea of downloading stuff from the web is quicker speed. The global headquarter of the company, located in Espoo in Finland has showcased hands-on demonstrations of the 5G application in specific industries which are far more advanced manufacturing to the healthcare industry.

The low latency of the network, for instance, is going to allow the autonomous vehicles in communicating almost instantly on the road and seamlessly connect with the smart devices right inside a home.
Source: cnbc