People who think the Earth is flat are not new. They have been around for a long time.
The Flat Earth Society was started in 1956, but their wild claims have never been backed up by science.
Experts in philosophy and physics call people who believe in a flat Earth “science deniers.”
This flat-earther made a bit of a fool of himself when he tried to show that the Earth really is flat.
The man did an experiment on camera to prove what he thought was true, but he proved the exact opposite.
The clip is from the Netflix documentary Behind The Curve, which talks about and looks into the worldwide flat-earth community.
In this clip, one person who thinks the earth is flat sets up a do-it-yourself experiment for the cameras.
It involves filming through two holes with a camera and having someone on the other side shine a torch back at the camera.
The person who believes the Earth is flat says that if the light from the camera, the holes in the fence, and the torch can all be seen from the same height above the ground, then the Earth is flat.
Using such a simple experiment to make such a big claim is a bit bold, but we will go with it anyway.
But the exact opposite happened, which was embarrassing for the flat-earther.
In the clip, his friend holds the torch at the same height as the camera, but there is no light to be seen.
Instead, when he raises the camera higher, the light shines through the holes in the fence, making the flat-earther blush just a little.
The man is heard saying “Interesting” as he tries to figure out how to get out of this one now that he has pretty much disproven his own theory.
The video has been shared a lot on Reddit, and many people find it funny.
One person said jokingly,
I’ve seen that clip many times but have yet to see his explanation as to how that happened.
A second added,
And I’m sure mental gymnastics were performed to still be a flat earther.
And a third said,
This guy took the time and effort to learn a way to prove his hypothesis. There was another guy who was a self taught rocket scientist just to prove the earth was flat.