We like parents who have a sense of humor. Let’s face it. Laughing about parenting is important.
Some parents have gotten creative with the program. One dad used a program to make his baby look like he was doing manly things. A dad tried to scare his relatives. He made the pictures look like she was in danger.
A dad is getting in on the action. She would often ask Kenny how the baby was doing when he was in his girlfriend’s care. He came up with a new way to respond. He sent her a photo that would make her take notice. He posts the photos to the social media site for the whole world to see.
No children were in any danger, as Deuss mentions on his Insta account.
1. Thanksgiving day.
2. Taking drama lessons.
3. “Do not look down”
4. Working on that to-do list.
5. Working really hard.
6. “Cheers pops!”
7. Just skateboarding.
8. “Where are we?”
9. Can someone help me, please?
10. “I’m your chef for the day.”
11. “Looks fresh”
12. “Does anyone need a playpen?”
13. On top of the television.