Experiencing issues with Google analytics today? Well, you’re not alone. The widely used web service providing live user tracking and historical analytics has apparently crashed today causing major user tracking disruption across thousands of websites.
RED ALERT: Google Analytics is down!
According to various reports, the widely used Analytics service is messing up data and showing weird numbers and incorrect data to its users. One user, John Malone, comments on Twitter: “It is mind-boggling. Even Google analytics real-time data is acting weird, showing random unrealistically small numbers or no data at all. Tons of 500 errors across the board.” It seems we’re not the only ones experiencing this issue, and real-time data
It is mind-boggling. Even Google analytics real-time data is acting weird, showing random unrealistically small numbers or no data at all. Tons of 500 errors across the board.
— John Maione (@jtm297) June 2, 2019
It seems the issue has been popping up intermittently over the past few days, a regular user tweeted that “this is happening a lot lately.”
This is happening a lot lately. 😞
— AppUnwrapper.com 📱 (@AppUnwrapper) June 2, 2019
How many people panic when Google Analytics goes down like this?
Then you feel happy cause yr website is fine, it's GOOGLE with the problem.#SundayThoughts
— Live News Chat (@livenewscloud) June 2, 2019

Apparently, Google analytics isn’t the only service facing issues right now. Users are reporting that Youtube, search, and other Google products are facing similar issues.
It seems Google is having issues, Google Analytics, Youtube, search etc. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon!
— Tomzur (@tomzur) June 2, 2019
Many users are reporting that their live-tracking is showing ZERO users, which usually show up in hundreds or thousands.
Now very minimal live traffic which simply cannot be correct.
— The 4th Official (@Official_T4O) June 2, 2019
Many users have taken to twitter to express their frustration, tweeting #RIP #GoogleAnalytics and other related hashtags.
RIP google analytics @googleanalytics
— Ioanna Iliadi (@ioann_A) June 2, 2019

The issue is further confirmed by Gabriele Volpe, who tweeted that their Nginx server status dashboard is tracking thousands of users online, but Google Analytics shows ONLY two users online.
Same here for us. Thousands on NGINX, two users on @googleanalytics
— Gabriele Volpe (@volpegab) June 2, 2019
Sessions reporting in Google Analytics has taken a hit as well
Regular users of Google Analytics are reporting discrepancies in session tracking as well, complaining that they’re missing user sessions in their traffic reports.
Are you also seeing some weird things going on in #GoogleAnalytics? The live reports don't work for any of the websites I'm checking. And the overall reporting seems to miss most of the sessions for today 🤔 pic.twitter.com/Lpiak45Byi
— Kristina Azarenko (@azarchick) June 2, 2019
Some users are now poking fun at the Google Analytics team
@googleanalytics you okay?
— News24 Arts and Entertainment (@News24Arts) June 2, 2019
Jorge took to twitter to comment that “the end is near.”, to make light of the situation.
Cago Google analytics pic.twitter.com/Tnvmb0ENND
— J O R G E (@elcoooke) June 2, 2019
G Suite Status Dashboard says “no issues” for Google Analytics
It seems Google’s own service status dashboard is reporting incorrect data regarding Google Analytics, as the service is flagged as “green”, meaning “no issues”. Seems like the Google Analytics team has tons of work to do today.

Update: Keep watching this space for more information as the situation develops.
Youtube seems to be facing outage as well, along with Search Indexing and other Google services
Once again @YTCreators down, once again @googleanalytics
down, what's happening to you?— Poszukiwacz Prawd (@KoniecUE) June 2, 2019
Google Search Indexing, Google Analytics and now YouTube. Google seems to have real problems lately https://t.co/9NUCHURE8J
— Valentin Pletzer (@VorticonCmdr) June 2, 2019
Seems like Google isn’t the only one, Snapchat is also down
Most Snapchat users have taken to twitter to express their frustration and anger. Tory tweeted a self-deprecating joke, “Snapchat is down and I don’t know what to do with my life. #imaloser.”
Snapchat is down and I don’t know what to do with my life. #imaloser
— T (@toradactyl) June 2, 2019
Oh no Snapchat is down and my daughters may have a meltdown!
— K (@klkeeling) June 2, 2019
Am I the only one with Snapchat issues? #snapchatdown
— Anthony Busto シ (@TBBOY813) June 2, 2019
Who is to be blamed?
It is not clear whether Analytics is down due to an update made by the development team or if this is a widespread attack on various online services like Snapchat, Shopify and Google.
Keep watching this space for more updates as the story develops.