The tale of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja with dreams of becoming the strongest ninja and the leader of his village, has seeped into the hearts of audiences worldwide. The “Naruto” saga, an epitome of modern-day manga and anime, continues to amass an ever-evolving, passionate fandom. As the reels of Naruto and its successor, Naruto Shippuden, unfurl, the clamor for an English dubbed version escalates among international fans.
Nurturing the Legacy: The Naruto Shippuden Narrative
Birthed from the creative realm of Masashi Kishimoto in 1999, the Naruto anime series first graced the screens in 2002, extending its reign till 2007. Following this stint, “Naruto: Shippuden” picked up the narrative baton, exploring the matured ambitions and adventures of Naruto and his companions.
The global appeal of this narrative led to dubbing the series in multiple languages, rendering it a universal treasure. However, the access to the English dubbed version seems to dodge the grasp of many, tethered to a handful of platforms.
The English Dub Dilemma: Where to Tune In?
Although every single episode of Naruto: Shippuden has already been dubbed into English, widespread access to it is severely limited.
The quest to relish “Naruto: Shippuden” in English has steered fans on a digital expedition. Among the oasis in this dubbed desert are Hulu and Funimation, the platforms that currently host the English version. However, giants like Crunchyroll and Netflix, though housing all 21 seasons, only serve the original Japanese dub with English subtitles.
Voices Behind the Characters: The Dubbed Ensemble
The English dub isn’t merely a translation but a transition of emotions, humor, and essence carried out by a talented troupe of voice actors. Taking the lead is Maile Flanagan, lending her voice to Naruto Uzumaki, embodying the vibrant, rebellious spirit of the protagonist.
In the English dub, Naruto is voiced by Maile Flanagan, following the tradition of a female voice actor playing Naruto Uzumaki after the original brilliant work of Junko Takeuchi.
The dubbed version also hosts a league of celebrated voice talents, including Yuri Lowenthal as Sasuke Uchiha, Kate Higgins as Sakura, and an ensemble featuring voices for other pivotal characters that drive the narrative.
Supporting the Craft: Official Streaming Channels
naruto shippuden OP 3 – blue bird
— sasunaru moments (@narusasumoments) September 16, 2023
Steering clear from pirated shores, it’s encouraged to sail the official streaming channels to catch Naruto: Shippuden. Not only does this ensure a high-quality viewing experience, but it also channels support to the creators and the production studio, fueling future endeavors in the Naruto universe.
Viewers are encouraged to use official streaming platforms to watch Naruto: Shippuden, as it helps support the mangaka and the production studio.
While the wait for “Naruto: Shippuden’s” English dubbed version to dock on Netflix continues, fans can stay tuned for updates on Naruto and delve into other enticing anime realms like One Piece, Tokyo Revengers, and Chainsaw Man.