In the world of anime and manga, few series have garnered as much attention and controversy as “Attack on Titan.” The series, masterminded by Hajime Isayama, has taken fans on a roller coaster ride through themes of adversity, humanity, politics, and discrimination. All while delivering a story captivating enough to break One Piece’s 5-year manga sales record. The anime adaptation burst onto the scene in 2013, capturing the hearts and minds of fans worldwide. But as we delve into the intricate world of Titans and the battles of Paradis Island, one question looms large: Is “Attack on Titan” anime over? And how does this epic saga conclude?
The Journey So Far: A Legacy of Twelve Years
The story of Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert has been anything but simple. The Attack on Titan manga, after an illustrious run spanning over 12 years, finally drew to a close with Chapter 139 in April 2021. The anime adaptation, following closely behind, has been split into four riveting seasons. Initially, the final season was announced to be in two parts, but fans were treated to a surprise when a third part was revealed, further split into two special one-hour-long episodes. The first part aired in March 2023, and audiences are eagerly awaiting the second part set to broadcast in Fall 2023. The journey is yet to reach its conclusion, ensuring that the Attack on Titan Anime is, indeed, not over.
The Climactic Finale: Deciphering the End
The ending of Attack on Titan is a topic that has sparked widespread discourse and controversy among fans. As we venture into this segment, be warned, as we will be delving into manga spoilers. The final chapters of the manga depict an intense confrontation, as Jean, Connie, Mikasa, Armin, Reiner, and Levi embark on a desperate mission to stop Eren and the rumbling. The events unfold with a series of dramatic and poignant moments, culminating in Mikasa’s heartbreaking farewell to Eren.
Attack on Titan The Final Season Part 3 (Part 2) listed to be 1 hour & 26 minutes long.
— Attack on Titan Wiki (@AoTWiki) October 27, 2023
The Last Stand: A Battle of Fates
Eren’s friends find themselves in a race against time, attempting to halt the destructive path he has set upon. Hange’s sacrifice paves the way for them to reach Eren, leading to a confrontation that will decide the fate of their world. Armin’s efforts to negotiate with the Yeager brothers play a crucial role, swaying Zeke and setting the stage for the final battle. The team faces off against the parasitical entity responsible for the Founding Titan’s powers, with Jean and the Cart Titan delivering a decisive strike.
The Farewell: A Moment of Truth
Mikasa’s moment of truth arrives as she realizes the path she must take to bring an end to the turmoil. With Levi’s assistance, she faces Eren one last time, delivering a poignant and heartbreaking goodbye. The final chapter, Chapter 139, unveils the truths behind Eren’s actions, drawing parallels between Mikasa and Ymir, and revealing his desire for his friends to play a pivotal role in changing the world’s perception of Eldians. As Eren’s vision comes to an end, the Titans lose their powers, and humanity is left to pick up the pieces.
Reflecting on the Legacy: A Controversial Conclusion
The end of Attack on Titan has left the fandom divided, with vocal opinions on both sides of the spectrum. While the manga’s conclusion has faced its share of criticism, there is a significant portion of the audience that appreciates the complexity and depth of the story’s resolution. The anime adaptation, with its unique ability to bring the story to life in different ways, holds the potential to sway perceptions and provide a fresh perspective on the controversial ending. Fans are left in anticipation, pondering whether the anime will stay true to the manga or carve its own path with an original ending. Only time will tell, as we await the final episodes set to air in the fall of 2023.
In the grand tapestry of anime legends, “Attack on Titan” has cemented its place as a series that challenges conventions, explores profound themes, and leaves a lasting impact on its audience. As we stand on the cusp of its conclusion, the journey of Eren, Mikasa, and Armin remains etched in the hearts of fans worldwide. Whether you loved or loathed the ending, the legacy of “Attack on Titan” is undeniable, and its final moments are poised to be a cinematic spectacle that will be talked about for years to come.