The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been a juggernaut in the entertainment industry, seamlessly weaving together a tapestry of stories and characters. Among these, the quirky and irreverent Deadpool has been a fan-favorite, but with a twist – his origins lie in the FoxVerse. As excitement builds around “Deadpool 3”, a burning question emerges: is the film set within the MCU, or does it remain loyal to its FoxVerse roots?
The Timeline Conundrum: Where Does “Deadpool 3” Fit?
The intertwining of universes in the MCU has been a complex yet fascinating aspect of its storytelling. The entry of Deadpool into this mix adds another layer of intrigue. With Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, previously believed to have hung up his claws post-“Logan” (2017), now teaming up with Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool, speculation is rife. The critical query: does “Deadpool 3” align with the MCU timeline, or is it charting a course parallel to it?
A Pattern of Crossovers: Not the First Rodeo
Deadpool isn’t the first character to transition between cinematic universes. The MCU has already welcomed characters like Netflix’s Daredevil and Sony’s Spider-Men. Additionally, Professor X’s appearance in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” marked a significant crossover moment. These examples highlight the MCU’s adept use of the Marvel Multiverse to incorporate various characters, potentially paving the way for Deadpool’s integration.
The FoxVerse and MCU: A Blurred Line
While Charlie Cox’s Daredevil cameo in “Spider-Man: No Way Home” didn’t automatically integrate the Netflix series into the Marvel canon, it did establish his presence within the MCU. Similarly, the inclusion of Mr. Beast in “The Marvels” post-credit scene further blurs the lines between the FoxVerse and the MCU. These instances suggest that all Marvel character portrayals, regardless of their original universe, are vital parts of the MCU’s expanding narrative.
Marvel Studios reportedly decided to have ‘DEADPOOL 3’ as the only film that will release next year due to them being extremely confident in it.
They expect the film to deliver at the box office, with critics and make fans excited for the MCU again.
(via: @DanielRPK)
— Deadpool Updates (@DeadpoolUpdate) November 26, 2023
Waiting for Confirmation: The Anticipation Builds
As for the exact placement of “Deadpool 3” within the MCU timeline, fans eagerly await further announcements. This uncertainty adds to the allure of the upcoming threequel, keeping audiences guessing about the potential intersections and divergences in this ever-evolving universe.
Conclusion: The Marvel Cinematic Universe – A Vast Mosaic
“Deadpool 3” represents more than just another sequel; it’s a symbol of the fluidity and expansiveness of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Whether it remains in the FoxVerse or fully transitions into the MCU, the film is poised to be a significant piece in the grand puzzle of Marvel’s storytelling. With its unique blend of humor, action, and now, inter-universal intrigue, “Deadpool 3” is set to be a landmark film in the superhero genre.
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