In Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 7, the battle between MechaMaru and Mahito was brought to the forefront. It was a poignant conclusion for the character of Mechamaru, who, despite his attempts to defeat Mahito and Pseudo-Geto, was unable to succeed and, as a result, was unable to reunite with his classmates or Kasumi.

However, fans are currently upset with Crunchyroll, and here is why!
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: Fans Are Upset On Crunchyroll For Ghosting/Dimming Out On A Particular Visual

Jujutsu Kaisen’s official English Twitter account shared a few images from Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 7. Those scenes happened to be crystal-clear shots of the particular fight, but fans are claiming that Crunchyroll has “ghosted” those shots, or in other words, Crunchyroll has dimmed/blurred those animated scenes more than necessary.
“Ghosting is ruining the experience for a lot of people who would like the see the work of the animators shine. Ghosting and dimming are serious issues and they are addressed as such”

When compared to the Twitter account’s posted pictures, the scenes alter dramatically, as seen in the most recent episode. Fans complain that if they are paying for it, they would want to view crystal-clear scenes rather than the “ghosted” version. In some ways, it is also insulting to the animators who are tirelessly working on the series.
“I m fine if it is for free. But if i paid for it, and it is one of my fav anime. I will ofc be angry if they offer a lower quality anime. You can surely be satisfied with what you get. But you can’t complain others who ask for better stuff. Think about the better and better services and products you got now adays. They are getting better because other people asked for it:)”

Some fans who did not grasp what the phrase Ghosting/Dimming meant just assumed that the episode featured poor animation. Fans believe it is time to oppose Crunchyroll’s unethical tactics, which damage not just the viewers but also the animators and creators who work tirelessly on it.
“If crunchyroll already has the undimmed/unghosted version of the episodes, then why do they not sub the original version instead of the ghosted one. That’s just laziness. Ppl are literally paying them to watch these episodes, so they should provide the proper version of the episodes and not these edited ones by the tv station.”
However, few fans believe it is useless to blame Crunchyroll since the website premieres whatever the Japanese TV networks premiere. Due to Japanese TV laws, a few particular scenes are banned from airing. What are those scenes? Here is a detailed explanation from one of the fans.
“There was this incident years ago in Japan called “Denno Senshi Porygon” where back then when Pokémon was airing. They released a episode that was too flashy and colourful that there was reports of some people in Japan that watched it saying they got seizures and epilepsy from how flashy the episode was. So to prevent this accident from happening they decided to make a new law where the TV streaming companies in Japan has to blur, dimmed, or ghost or do even both of these things.
Read the complete Reddit Thread here to know more about the complaints against Crunchyroll for the latest episode of Jujutsu Kaisen.
byu/Electrical_Chance991 inJuJutsuKaisen