Lili was not happy with the people who went to extreme lengths for the Met Gala. Especially Kim Kardashian.
The actor shared a series of rants on social media where she called out the stupid, harmful celebrities who emphasized diet and exercise to fit in a dress.
“So wrong. So f***ed on 100s of levels,” Reinhart wrote in her Instagram story. “To openly admit to starving yourself for the sake of the Met Gala. When you know very well that millions of young men and women are looking up to you and listening to your every word. The ignorance is other-worldly and disgusting.”
She didn’t mention any name, but her comments have been interpreted as a jab at KimKardashian, who attended the event in the vintage gown worn by Marilyn Monroe to President John F. Kennedy celebrated his birthday in 1962.
The same dress that Marilyn Monroe wore while singing for President Kennedy was worn by Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala.
Here’s how Marilyn looked in it in 1962.
The dress is now worth over $10 million.
In order to fit into the gown, which was on loan from the Ripley’s Believe It or Not!, she lost 16 pounds. The museum dress cannot be altered.
“I tried it on and it didn’t fit me. I said, ‘Give me three weeks,’” she explained. Kim Kardashian said, “I was determined to fit [into] it and I haven’t had carbs or sugar in about three weeks.”
In the days after the Met Gala, many called her diet extremely dangerous.
“You should not be celebrated for losing 16 pounds in 3 weeks,” Yahoo Canada lifestyle editor Elizabeth Di Filippo tweeted. “You should not share details on how you unhealthfully lost weight with a major publication.”
Fashion journalist Amy Odell added: “If that’s not the regressive messaging this industry has tried desperately to distance from, what is?”
Kim lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks to fit into the dress.
You can watch her interview with Vogue on the red carpet.

Kim has received a lot of attention.
Lili Reinhart has been outspoken about her struggles with body image.
“Reminder to myself, and to all — you don’t need a flat or perfectly toned stomach to wear a crop top,” the actor tweeted in March. “These ‘summer body’ trends are toxic. Your body is ready for summer no matter what it looks like.”
Not all of it was supportive.
Lili was appalled by it.
After Reinhart’s remarks made headlines, she clarified that she’d chosen to speak up “because I don’t see enough people with large platforms calling out toxic behavior in our industry.”
“Some people will never understand where I’m coming from and that’s okay,” she said.
She talked about the importance of speaking up.
There were other people who had a problem with Kim’s diet.
It would be impossible to lose 16 pounds of fat in three weeks, according to Nichola Ludlam-Raine of the British Dietetic Association.
When someone stopped eating sugar and carbohydrates, a lot of it would have been water and glycogen.
Ludlam-Raine said that the comments were potentially dangerous, especially to vulnerable people, and sent a message that was completely wrong.
“It’s really irresponsible because a lot of people will be reading and watching her, especially people with eating disorders, or young women, thinking that it is possible, or it is needed, to lose such a dramatic amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time, when most health experts recommend losing around 1-2lb a week,” Ludlam-Raine said.
“It’s not a sustainable way of living. When you cut out sugars, research shows that we end up psychologically craving it more – and what that can lead to is a binge-restrict cycle.”
Lili’s words were very popular with people.
“She said afterward she was going to have a doughnut or something like that. We want to pull people away from this binge-restrict cycle, and actually show people that they can have the food that you love in moderation whilst achieving whatever health or weight goals you have in mind,” Ludlam-Raine continued.
Finding the right balance is more important than sending your body on a ride. It’s important to eat healthy for your body and soul. “It sounds like she’s done neither over those three weeks prior to the Met Gala,” Ludlam-Raine said.
“People shouldn’t source their nutrition advice from celebrities.”
Some thought that Kim should not have worn the dress at all.
Some people thought the internet was blowing things out of proportion.