In the wake of a captivating first season, “Lookism,” the exhilarating net animation, has become a centrifuge of fervor in the ever buzzing beehive of anime enthusiasts. A brainchild of Park Tae-Joon, the series has rendered fans at the edge of their seats, gasping for the unfolding vistas of Lookism season 2. While the first season was a feast to the senses, it merely scratched the surface of Park’s profound narrative, leaving a trail of cravings for what is yet to unfurl.
A Journey from Webcomic to Screen Gem
Embraced and nurtured under the wing of Studio Mir, “Lookism” took its first breath in the digital ether on December 8, 2022, on the global streaming giant, Netflix. It wasn’t just a mere adaptation; it was a voyage from the ink of webcomic to the colorful vigor of Original Net Animation. The journey was masterful, locking eyes and hearts to the screen as the lives of the characters pirouetted between the strokes of fate and choices.
The applause resonated across forums, gatherings, and online communities, narrating the tales of its vivid animation and engrossing plot dynamics. The maiden voyage of “Lookism” spanned over a mere 8 episodes, ending on a note that echoed with the humming curiosity of what’s next. But the curtain only fell on the screen, not on the anticipations.
Unveiling the Potential of Lookism Season 2
What once was a whisper amidst the alleys of anime forums has now bellowed into a common chant –
“When is Lookism Season 2 coming out?”
The question is legitimate and the rationale solid. The pioneering season barely skimmed through the first 27 chapters of the webtoon, which till date, boasts a hefty count of 458 chapters.
The narrative, dense and layered, has a vast expanse yet to be explored. The first season navigated through the life-altering nuances of Daniel Park’s life as he wades through the ruthless waves of societal judgments only to stumble upon a mysterious duality of existence. Yet, the ending was but a glance at the vast cosmos that lay intertwined with destinies and secrets. The subsequent arc, waiting to be unfolded, promises tales of intrigue with a dash of supernatural whimsy.
Tapping on Production’s Door
As chants for a sequel grow louder, the gaze turns towards Studio Mir and Netflix, the nurturers of “Lookism’s” on-screen saga. The trigger to this ensuing adventure is yet to be pulled. Official words remain veiled, and the screens flicker with the re-runs of season one, each replay echoing with desires for a new dawn.
While the affirmation for season 2 hangs in a veil of silence, the outlook isn’t bleak. The wherewithal for a sequel, in terms of content, is robust, and the realms of Lookism are ripe for exploration. Moreover, Studio Mir, though a nascent player, holds a clear horizon with the capacity to plunge into the engrossing journey that Lookism Season 2 promises.
The meticulous animation, the character arcs with depth waiting to be delved into, and the plot dynamics weaving through the societal fabric, all are an open field awaiting the seeds of animation to be sowed and nurtured.
When December 8th hits, it will be a whole year since LOOKISM officially dropped on Netflix. AND STILL NO SEASON 2 ANNOUNCEMENT YET. Smfh… It had really good reception too. Need that S2 announcement already. Long
— Platinum Equinox (@PlatinumEquinox) September 14, 2023
In the Halls of Speculation, Hope Resides
The anxious hearts do flutter with the winds of speculation, yet within the chambers echoes a melody of hope. The tale of Daniel Park and the mystical veils of Lookism carries the zest of many evenings spent in the awe of what’s and why’s.
With bated breath, the community watches the horizon, where the silhouettes of Studio Mir and Netflix are hoped to converge with the herald of Lookism Season 2. Until the official murmurs reach the ears, the re-runs shall continue to spin the tale, and forums shall continue to brew with anticipations, theories, and a unanimous chant of hopes for a return to the enigmatic world of “Lookism”.