Magnum P.I. is a popular T.V. show that revolves around the life of Magnum, a former Navy SEAL who becomes a private detective in Hawaii. With his friends and co-workers, Magnum solves cases and gets himself into trouble occasionally. Fans of the show are always eager to know when the next episode is being released.
Where Can I Watch Magnum P.I. Season 5?
Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 7 will premiere on NBC. Previously canceled on CBS, the show has been revived by NBC. If you miss the broadcast, don’t worry; episodes will be available for streaming on Peacock the next day.
Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 7 Release Date
Magnum P.I. episode 7 will be released on Sunday, 26th March at 9 pm (E.T.). Unfortunately, there is no official release date yet for the U.K. and other international locations.
How Many Episodes Will Magnum P? I Season 5 Have?
NBC has announced that season 5 will have a total of 20 episodes. The runtime of each episode is expected to be around 40-45 minutes. The season will be divided into two segments, each with ten episodes. Therefore, there are still 13 more episodes remaining in this season.
Is There A Trailer For Magnum P? I Season 5 Episode 6?
Yes, there is. Check out the trailer below:
Now that you know everything about Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 7, mark your calendar and prepare for another exciting episode. Don’t forget to tune in to NBC or stream it on Peacock.