It seems that the typical mobile attack isn’t confined to the smartphones anymore, as a matter of fact, the conventional mobile attack has entered the gaming world.

Several PS4 owners have reported that they are getting PlayStation Network messages where their consoles get effectively bricked with an unrecognized character. I, in turn, crash the gaming consoles, and the consoles remain shut down and are unable to switch on. The only solution left with the PlayStation users are to rebuild the database or reset the system to factory reset as the malicious messages do not get deleted quickly.

Another way you can eliminate the chance of the hostile texts is by clicking on the settings option in PS Messaging app or the console, and then the user has to choose to visit account management and lastly by changing the privacy settings so that the messages are switched off, or they are limited to the people and friends you know in the PlayStation Network.

Sony has been reportedly asked to comment on this. But the company doesn’t likely want to say on this but Sony Corporation is much likely to address the issue with a software address, but it is very much essential to protect your gaming consoles in the meantime. Nevertheless, there is a little doubt that these consequences are likely to be dangerous. Mostly the bugs which are phone-oriented are troublesome, but they will not necessarily prevent the user from utilizing any other apps on your mobile devices.
By the looks of it the issue seems to be a lot wider than it was earlier predicted and on the other hand, it is even comfortable enough to circumvent. It feels like a prankster is somehow able to render the PlayStation 4 effectively until the PS4 users come up with some significant painstaking steps related to troubleshooting the bug.