A few days ago, netizens joined hands to teach a Libertarian radio presenter and journalist Adam Garrie a lesson. He has actually created a storm by calling the drawing of a tampon obscene. Seriously, who says that?
After that, people started commenting against him. “If someone wants to publish photos of their genitals, bodily fluids, or anything else of that nature, I shall defend their right to do so. If someone seeks to bully me into enjoying it, I shall calmly state my entirely reasonable opposition,” he said.
Scroll down to read the tweets.
Adam Garrie, who supports abolishing the ‘tampon tax,’ received a large amount of backlash after sharing his opinion about this drawing
Here’s how people reacted to Garrie’s tweet and what he answered. Quite a few people were upset with his opinion
“In an age where most schools are concerned with teaching people, what to think rather than how to think. It should surprise no one when a simple and reasonable statement can arouse such a storm in a teacup. Beyond this, the remarks of many on the self-described left make something else abundantly clear. We are living in an age in which conceptions of public and private spheres have become worryingly reversed,” Garrie shared his thoughts with us.
“Such people believe that the freedom of artistic expression, free speech, and the freedom to assemble should be contingent on the approval of a numerically small but heavily amplified mob. Simultaneous to this, they offer nothing but a whirlwind of execration for those who wish to lead their private life in a manner that is based on the teaching of traditional religions (whether Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, etc) and on the principle that one’s home is one’s castle. Not only are they comfortable with sharing photos of their bodily fluids and genitals online, but they seek to force those with personally traditional values to revel in the kind of exhibitionism which they enjoy,” he explained his position.
Garrie, who identifies as a libertarian, stated that he has no problem with other people being open about the things that would have been classified as a person’s ‘private life’ in earlier generations. However, he believes that he’s being coerced to follow a single line of thought. “I refuse to genuflect before a movement which seeks to make erstwhile private activities into a kind of public idolatry to which we must all pay tribute,” he said.
And here’s what some other people on Twitter had to say