Can you imagine a guitar made of a skeleton? If you are influenced by metal music, you would have known that it is all about skeletal imaginary. A metalhead decided to use his uncle’s skeleton to make a fully functional guitar. Do you wanna see how it looks like? Well, scroll down to see the final result.
Prince Midnight(the metalhead) was confused at the beginning regarding what should be done with his uncle Fil’s bones. Later, this is what he did.
Uncle Fil died in a car accident many years ago. His body was donated to science, his bones have been used for medical educational purpose for the past twenty years or so. Recently, the bones were returned to the family.
The metal head decided to do something extraordinary to remember this uncle. Since , he was the one to introduce to the heavy stuff, he planned to use the bones to make a guitar.
“I got the box of bones from Greece and didn’t know what to do at first. Bury them? Cremate them? Put them in the attic? All seemed like poor ways to memorialize someone who got me into heavy metal.”
“I decided to turn Uncle Filip into a guitar, which proved to be challenging. I did a lot of research and no one has ever made a guitar out of a skeleton. So, I did it. I started out consulting with two guys in Dean Guitars’ wood shop in Tampa but they got cold feet.
Anyways, now Uncle Filip can shred for all eternity. That’s how he would want it. I’m super proud of the project and how it serves to honour him, his life and his influence on me.”
Check the full video here: