The fake family action comedy Spy X Family Chapter 77 is releasing next week. Read on and learn more about spoilers, raw scans, and how to read online.

Spy X Family Chapter 77 release date
The upcoming Spy X Family Chapter 77 will be released on March 19th, 2023, at 12 am Japanese Standard Time. The international times are:
- Japanese Standard Time: 12 AM, March 20, Monday
- Greenwich Mean Time: 3 PM, March 19, Sunday
- Eastern Standard Time: 10 AM, March 19, Sunday
- Pacific Standard Time: 7 AM, March 19, Sunday
- Central European Time: 4 PM, March 19, Sunday
- Indian Standard Time: 8.30 PM, March 19, Sunday
- Philippine Standard Time: 11 PM, March 19, Sunday
- Australia Central Standard Time: 12.30 PM, March 20, Monday
Spoilers for Spy X Family Chapter 77
As of now, no spoilers are available for this chapter. The spoilers are usually uploaded two or three days prior to the official release. They can be found on anonymous online forums such as Reddit, 4Chan, and Twitter. We will update you as soon as any new spoilers are released.
Anime: spy x family
— Spike (Akira fudo) (@SNX50) June 25, 2022
Raw scans
No Raw scans have been released yet for Spy X Family Chapter 77. They are also published a few days before the official release date. We will update you as soon as any new information regarding the Raw Scans is released. Raw Scans will usually show up on anonymous online forums such as Reddit, 4Chan, and Twitter.
Recap of Chapter 76
At the Forger residence, Loid and Yor scold Anya for being reckless during the bus hijacking incident. Despite this, Anya celebrates her Stella Star. Loid chooses to treat Anya with compassion and care and drives her to school out of concern that the incident might traumatize her. Even though Anya knows he was there, Loid apologizes for being absent. Anya notices a family outside and inquires to Loid about whether the families that came to pick up their children love them more in light of Melinda’s unusual interaction with Damian. Loid wonders how to deal with Anya’s resentment of him because he did not end up picking her up. Anya encourages Loid to buy her some cake after school after overhearing his thoughts.
Henry Henderson discusses the aftermath of the bus hijacking with the Cecile Dorm Tutor at Eden Academy. Both men are concerned for everyone’s mental health, especially the pupils.
Anya gains more popularity
Damian is dropped off at school, where he meets Ewen and Emile. When Emile inquires about Damian’s time with his family, Damian recalls his stay at the Desmond Manor. Damian asks Jeeves if his mother will be joining him for dinner while he eats alone. Jeeves says Melinda had returned to her own home, he also says she had prepared every meal alone. This stuns Damian.
Damian and Becky have gained popularity among their peers, especially Anya, as a result of their deeds (now being called “Double Starlight Anya”). Anya is now recognized as a great hero and is longer being looked down on by her classmates. She begins planning to make numerous allies that could conquer the planet. Anya being mobbed by their peers makes Damian laugh, but Becky hits a nerve when she comments that he may be more concerned that Anya will be taken away from him. Damian, who is unwilling to share his feelings for Anya, informs his peers that Anya is a commoner.
Yet, this strengthens her image as their classmates develop even greater admiration for her. Anya responds with the breakfast Yor made for her when the youngsters, who are intrigued by the lower class, inquire about her diet. Damian disagrees with Emile and Ewen’s attitude about parents cooking for their kids because of how delicious his mother’s cuisine was. When Ewen notices this, he remarks that Damian has recently been “getting sweet” on Anya, but the latter promptly refutes this.
spy x family 76
dude what 😭— al #TEAMGOJO 🔛🔝 (@lesundone) March 5, 2023
Damian and Anya’s cute interaction
Anya feels that she should have extended an invitation to Damian to her home rather than attempting to force her way inside of his. She now refers to this backward plot as the “B Plan” and makes an effort to astound Damian with the power of her family. Anya starts inflating the details of her life as a commoner in order to garner favorable feedback from her students, which worries Becky. Yor, who is powerful, has trained Becky and Anya, Becky adds in response. Anya fabricates a justification and trains her classmates because she is envious that they now want to receive training from Yor. She lashes out at Damian for butting in to stop them, calling him a jerk in the process.
// spy x family chapter 76 spoilers
they're becoming friends oh my god
— gigi (@weretigers) March 5, 2023
Anya cries as Damian verbally abuses her and her family. With this defeat, their peers now assume that Damian and his family are stronger. Anya begins to break down in tears as she angrily exclaims that she is meant to be the tougher one. She stops crying as Damian apologizes to her and offers to buy her candy. Damian tries to swiftly dismiss what he just did as the school bell rings, but Emile and Ewen are stunned by his response. Anya corrects Damian when he asserts that making a proper apology makes him the stronger man, and the two begin arguing. The two arrive at class late after their peers leave them behind.