One of the most loved Japanese anime series released in 1998, Cowboy Bebop, is soon to be re-created and launched on Netflix as confirmed by sources from Netflix. The series originally aired 26 episodes set in the year 2071. The story revolves around a crew of bounty hunters who travel in their spaceship called “Bebop” to hunt down solar system’s most evil criminals. The plot focuses at loneliness, adult existential crisis and difficulties of trying to escape from one’s past.
Source- Polygon
To be produced in association with Tomorrow Studios, Shinichiro Watanabe will be a consultant on the project. Watanabe was the director of the original anime. It is also heard that Christopher Yost will be writing down the first episode of the live-action series. Yost is also a writer of Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok. Besides, he will also be serving as the executive producer of the series.
Cowboy Bebop has made it to the hearts of millions when it debuted in 2001 in U.S. on Cartoon Network. It was the first anime that appeared on Adult Swim. Cowboy Bebop will now share the Netflix’s catalog that includes names like Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Source- IGN