Monsters, a lesser-known manga by celebrated mangaka Eiichiro Oda, has recently garnered attention within the anime community. Despite being overshadowed by Oda’s towering magnum opus, “One Piece,” Monsters presents an intriguing prospect. Oda’s reputation for captivating storytelling, as exemplified in “One Piece,” suggests that Monsters could offer a compelling narrative experience. With its impending arrival on Netflix in early 2024, fans eagerly anticipate exploring this lesser-known work from the master mangaka.
The Genesis of ‘Monsters’: A Prelude to ‘One Piece’?
“Monsters,” crafted by Oda before “One Piece,” stands out with its unique storyline and captivating characters. The story revolves around Ryuma, a swordsman from Wano Country, who inadvertently gets embroiled in a dragon-related mystery. This one-shot manga, initially seen as a separate entity, gained significant attention when Ryuma made an unexpected appearance in “One Piece’s” ‘Thriller Bark Arc’ – albeit in a zombified form.
The Seamless Integration
It’s a testament to Oda’s creative brilliance that he could intertwine both worlds so seamlessly. Fans were surprised when Oda, in the SBS section of “One Piece” manga Volume 47, confirmed the connection between the two narratives. Although the storylines of “Monsters” and “One Piece” do not overlap, the Ryuma in both worlds is the same character, confirming that “Monsters” is indeed canon to the “One Piece” universe.
Exploring the World: A Tale of Dragons and Swordsmanship
“Monsters” opens with the enigmatic theft of a powerful dragon horn, setting the stage for an intriguing narrative. We meet Ryuma, who is kicked out of a restaurant for his inability to pay. This simple incident leads him to cross paths with Flare, a waitress, and Cyrano, a hero who once saved her life. As Ryuma delves deeper into the town’s past, he uncovers a conspiracy involving Cyrano and another swordsman, D.R., revealing a tale of betrayal and bravery.
One Piece’s INSANE Connection To The Florian Monsters 😵
— 333VIL (@333VIL) March 21, 2022
Ryuma: The Heart of ‘Monsters’ and a Link to ‘One Piece’
Ryuma’s character is a compelling blend of skill and humanity. Known as the “Sword God” in Wano Country, his mastery over the sword is unparalleled. His kindness and gratitude towards those who help him make him a beloved figure. However, in a twist of fate, his reanimated corpse in “One Piece’s” ‘Thriller Bark Arc’ presents him as a formidable antagonist, showcasing Oda’s ability to reimagine characters in diverse roles.
The Artistic Mastery of Eiichiro Oda
The integration of “Monsters” into the “One Piece” universe is not just a narrative choice but a reflection of Oda’s artistic vision. His ability to create multidimensional characters and weave intricate storylines across different works is a hallmark of his genius. With the upcoming Netflix adaptation, fans old and new are eagerly waiting to explore this lesser-known facet of Oda’s creativity, further cementing his status as a master storyteller in the animanga landscape.
This unique blend of storytelling, character development, and artistic interconnectivity between “Monsters” and “One Piece” not only enriches the existing narrative but also invites fans to delve deeper into the imaginative world of Eiichiro Oda. As we anticipate the Netflix release, one can’t help but wonder what other surprises Oda has in store for his avid followers.