Netflix has finally dropped the much-anticipated film “Damsel” on Women’s Day. This film, directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Juan Carlos and starring Millie Bobby Brown, Nick Robinson, Robin Wright, Angela Bassett, and others, follows a princess who gets caught in the traps of her mother-in-law and an aggressive beast. After being left for dead, she must gather, face the challenges ahead, and conquer her enemies. Let’s find out whether it’s a hit or a miss! Is the Damsel still in distress?

Netflix’s New Film Damsel: A Blend Of Dark Fantasy With A Twist And A Dash Of Feminism
Damsel follows the story of a daring young woman who has been given the chance to marry a handsome prince, however, she is pitted against a dragon with fire breath. The age-old saga of a princess being saved by her knight has a unique plot twist, making it a perfect watch for Women’s Day.

The story starts with a noblewoman, Elodie (Millie Bobby Brown) doing her bit to save the people of her land from the harsh winter and starvation. However, much like the rest of the princess stories, her fate is sealed when she is requested by her father to marry the handsome prince of Aurea, Henry, to save her people and land.

Initially, Elodie’s stepmother (Angela Bassett) was overjoyed about the union; however, she was soon put off by the actions of Queen Isabelle( Robin Wright), the mother of Prince Henry. She does everything to discourage Elodie from marrying the charming prince, but Elodie is adamant about protecting her homeland.
premiere of damsel on international women's day is simply iconic
— anna with two n's 🪻 (@nnekamps) March 8, 2024
In contrast to the vast majority of fairytale sagas, where stepmothers are typically portrayed as villainous figure harming their stepdaughters, this is a good approach to dispelling the stigma associated with stepmothers! The film also subtly goes with an angle of feminism by showing the impact and impetus of a matriarchal figure leading an entire kingdom!

Things get weird right after the couple exchanges their marriage vows. The Queen reveals a pact between the King of Aurea and the Dragon seeking sacrifices. Still unaware of what is to come later, Elodie acts along the ritual, and out of nowhere, she falls right into the trap of the Dragon’s den!

Now from this part on, the story gets predictable. The princess gathered herself to accommodate the situation, and instead of waiting for her handsome prince to save her, she took things in hand, applying all the hacks she had learned from her poor kingdom.

Netflix’s Damsel is loosely based on the classical Greek tale of Theseus and Minotaur, in which a young man is sent as a payment and ends up on a monster’s menu. Despite being quite predictable, the film has just enough unique elements to make it stand out with well-developed characters and surprising events.

When discussing Millie Bobby Brown’s acting in particular, we must note that she is still going strong with her overly intense delivery of lines and emotional reactions which sometimes may feel too contrived. While we know that this movie won’t call for exceptionally gifted acting; however, the entire story depends on her ability to seamlessly move from words to actions in which she truly shines. Despite some AI enhancements in larger scenes, the film looks like a true blockbuster.
Final Thoughts:
Netflix’s Damsel transforms the typical fairytale, leading to an energetic retribution epic for younger female audiences. It takes a new approach, an uplifting perspective that challenges the gendered clichés.
Watch Damsel now only on Netflix.