With the New Year comes the announcement of New One Piece Episodes, however, this time, our favorite Monkey D. Luffy won’t be there. Eiichiro Oda’s one-shot manga “Monsters” will be out soon on Netflix, and here is what we know so far!

New One Piece Episodes: Story Of Roronoa Zoro And His Relation To Shimotsuki Ryuma
The story of “Monsters” revolves around Roronoa Zoro’s ancestors, particularly Shimotsuki Ryuma. In volume 105 of the manga series, Eiichiro Oda revealed a detailed history of Roronoa Zoro’s family tree. In the One Piece series, Ryuma is a canon character and was introduced to the fans in the Thriller Bark arc.

Ryuma was a renowned samurai from the Land Of Wano who passed away many centuries ago. His corpse was discovered by Gecko Moria, who used the power of his devil fruit to reanimate him and give him the Brook’s shadow.
We're at a point in time where One Piece is just progressively getting better and there's nothing that's going to stop that momentum.
Final Saga in the manga, Ryuma anime adaptation, One Piece anime remake and Egghead arc anime adaptation…
2024 IS LOOKING GOOD.#ONEPIECE pic.twitter.com/PPVxb0jcJa
— Khaluffy (@Khaluffy) December 27, 2023
Zoro was born in East Blue and is the son of Tera and Roronoa Arashi. He is the grandson of Shimotsuki Furiko and Roronoa Pinzoro and grandnephew of Shimotsuki Ushimaru, which makes him the direct descendant of Shimotsuki Ryuma. Swordsmanship is in the blood of the Shimotsuki clan, and no wonder Zoro mastered the Three Sword Styles at a very early age in the Shimotsuki Village!

Ryuma was one of the secondary antagonists in the original One Piece series who had a legendary sword named Shusui. Brook fought against Ryuma multiple times but was defeated every time. Zoro ultimately encountered Ryuma and took him down for good, and Ryuma’s sword was passed down to the Pirate Hunter. He held on to it for a long time before returning the possession to the Land Of Wano.
One Piece New Episodes: The Origin Of “Monsters” By Eiichiro Oda
Some fans may not be aware of Eiichiro Oda’s one-shot manga titled “Monsters,” so here is a couple of information curated just for you! First published in 1994 as a part of Shonen Jump’s Autumn Special, the one-shot manga “Monsters” was a standalone, written before One Piece. The one-shot manga was reprinted in 1998 as part of Oda’s pre-One Piece series, “Wanted.” Since Oda was always interested in pirates, most of his works were based on this theme.

Roronoa Zoro is a prevalent character in the One Piece fandom. He is popularly known for two significant qualities: his brilliance with the three-sword style and his undying loyalty to Monkey D Luffy. Roronoa Zoro, the legendary swordsman’s tale, is worth telling, and “Monsters” is the absolute manga that Eiichiro Oda created for the One Piece fans to dive deep into Zoro’s roots.
One Piece New Episodes: All About Monsters
The one-shot manga will produced by E & H Animation Studio and distributed online through Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. The Monsters is set to be directed by Sanghoo Park, and Takashi Kojima is responsible for the character designs. Monsters will not solely be a dedicated anime series, rather, it will be covered within a few episodes, and fans can consider them as a part of One Piece New Episodes, which are canon.
One Piece New Episodes: Release Date And Time, Watch Online
The One Piece New Episodes, titled “Monsters,” will be available from January 2024 onwards and will be released on Netflix globally for international fans and on Amazon Prime for fans in Japan.