It can be exciting to see your children get engaged and married. Some parents save engagement rings for these moments if they have a family heirloom. This isn’t always everyone’s cup of tea.
One mom explained in a recent post that her son recently announced that he was getting engaged to his girlfriend. She was very happy. He asked his mom if he could get her a diamond instead of buying one for his fiancée. He didn’t want to be in debt when he married.
The woman said that her ring wasn’t something she imagined passing down to her son. It wasn’t an old ring that was passed down. She couldn’t imagine not being able to wear the ring just yet, it’s a special ring symbolizing her and her husband’s love.
“I love my engagement ring. I have worn it every day since my husband proposed to me with it and to be honest, I still have plenty of years to live that I want to keep wearing it until I am old and grey,” she explained in the post. “Also, my ring is not a family heirloom. My husband chose and bought this ring for me many years ago. So, I told them that I appreciated them wanting my ring, but no, I wanted to keep it.”
She said that she told her son and his girlfriend that one day they could have it. She was not ready to part with it just yet.
They didn’t take that information well. “Sam [my son] actually called me selfish and materialistic,” she said. “He said that diamonds are a scam and asked how I could let him go into debt to buy a new ring.”
She asked the world at the end of the post. Is her son in the wrong?