Who has a pet in trouble chasing them around the house? Want to work in your home office? Will your pet get in the way of you? I know how you feel.
This seems like a challenge for many. So this smart woman designed a chair that both people and pets can enjoy together.
Does it sound familiar to you?
Is a cat or dog lying on your lap while you’re desperately trying to type on the keyboard? Haha! We know that our pets only want to be around us. It’s sweet, but there’s still some work to be done.
Our cat chases us everywhere but usually stays on the ground.
So I didn’t think it was a challenge for pet owners. Designer Simone Giertz is one of the people whose dogs regularly interfere with her work.
She came up with an idea in one of those days.
She thought that if she didn’t have a chair that suits her and her dog, she should make one. After all, it came to her naturally because she is known for making things.
This is what she actually came up with.
The prototype is on the left and the final version of the chair is on the right. Isn’t it cool? Wow, I have to admit, I never thought it would look like that.
Simone’s primary concern was to make the chair comfortable for herself and her pet.
Since her dog’s Scraps has only three legs, it was important for Simone to take a few steps to get her dog into the chair.
She thought that any small puppy or cat could do it if the dog scrap could do it.
And judging from its appearance, I think he is right. Simone also worked on a cute corner for pets to sit next to their owner’s feet.
The chair is really functional, and it doesn’t take up much space.
You can easily place it in any workspace, as Simone did here. It’s a little bigger than a normal chair, but is it very convenient, eh?
Now you can work in peace and your dog in need is by your side, hehe.
If this isn’t the perfect working from home solution, I don’t know what it is. Do you understand what I mean? I think the puppies are having a lot of fun too.
So what do you think of this invention for parents having pets that are needy?
I think this chair is just great. If you have a dog or cat that always wants to sit next to you, you might need this chair right away!