The excitement among One Piece fans is reaching new heights with the much-anticipated arrival of Luffy Gear 5. Dubbed enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the transformation, and the big question is, can we expect to witness Luffy’s Gear 5 in the dubbed version by spring 2024? Let’s delve into the details.
One Piece Dub Current Status (January 2024)
As of now, the One Piece dubbed series has completed up to episode 1048, with the last batch released being episodes 1037–1048. The upcoming batch, comprising episodes 1049–1060, is on the horizon. It’s essential to note that the powers of Gear 5 made their debut in Episode 1071.

Assuming that episodes 1049–1060 are set to be available for digital release in the coming days, fans can anticipate their arrival on Crunchyroll by February 2024. Following this, the subsequent batch, which includes the introductory episodes of Luffy Gear 5, will be in the queue.
If the pace of release remains swift, there’s a possibility that the dubbed episode featuring Luffy Gear 5 could be available even before spring 2024. Speculations suggest that batch 1061–1072 might hit screens in late March or early April.
This Luffy Gear 5 figure looks so cool 🤩
— One Piece Daily (@opdaiIy) January 22, 2024
Luffy Gear 5 Dub Episode Release Date
The journey to witness Luffy Gear 5 in the One Piece dubbed series is drawing closer, with just one more batch left to be released. Fans are optimistic about the swift release of episodes, hoping to experience this epic transformation in March or April 2024. The countdown to the arrival of Luffy Gear 5 in the dubbed version continues, adding to the anticipation and excitement among the One Piece community.

What is Luffy’s Gear 5 all about?
Luffy’s Gear 5 is a game-changer, giving him new skills in the realm of Devil Fruits. This remarkable shift occurred following a difficult defeat by a cunning CPO agent. Despite the disappointment, Luffy’s fortitude shined through, prompting the emergence of his incredible Devil Fruit abilities.
In Gear 5, Luffy undergoes a remarkable transformation, becoming a rubber man thanks to the Gomu Gomu no Mi. His body becomes as flexible as rubber, allowing him to stretch and extend beyond normal boundaries. What distinguishes Gear 5 is its rubbery texture, which acts as a natural insulator.