One Piece, penned by the talented Eiichiro Oda, is a storytelling masterpiece that transcends the world of Manga, earning adoration from countless fans. The tale spins around the intrepid Monkey D. Luffy and his Straw Hat Pirates, with each episode unfolding thrilling adventures in pursuit of the “One Piece” treasure – the ultimate bounty that would crown its possessor the “King of Pirates”.
In their intriguing voyage, there was an emotionally charged episode when the crew had to bid farewell to their beloved ship, Going Merry, a heartfelt gift from the Syrup Village as a gesture of gratitude after the defeat of the Black Cat Pirates. However, with the damage inflicted on the Going Merry over numerous escapades, the crew recognized its declining health and gave it a solemn Viking farewell.
The Dawn of the Thousand Sunny
The Strawhats get a new ship in One Piece Episode 321. In the aftermath of Going Merry’s touching departure, episode 321 heralded a new era for the Straw Hats, introducing the grandeur of the “Thousand Sunny”. This new majestic ship, larger and far more elaborate than its predecessor, is a testament to innovation in marine architecture.
The genius behind the design of this new vessel was none other than Franky, the blue-haired shipwright with a heart as vast as the ocean. Franky’s dream of creating a masterpiece was put on hold following the traumatic loss of his mentor, Tom.
When the Straw Hat Pirates came along, and Franky was impressed by the unparalleled camaraderie and tenacity of Luffy and his crew, he found renewed purpose. Not only did Franky build the Thousand Sunny using the funds his gang swindled from the Straw Hat Pirates, but he also soon became an integral part of the crew, with the pirates convincing him to put his past behind and embrace a brighter future as their official shipwright.
Features and Abilities of the Thousand Sunny
- Built for Battle: The ship was crafted using the rare Adam Wood, renowned for its unparalleled strength and durability, justifying its whopping cost of almost 200,000,000 berries.
- Aerodynamic Prowess: With just 3 barrels of Cola, this majestic ship can soar for about a kilometre, thanks to its one-of-a-kind mechanism.
- Safety First: The ship has an intricate safety system with 5 different channels, each equipped to handle unique emergency scenarios.
- Powerful Offensives: One can’t miss the ship’s mighty cannon, concealed within the lion’s mouth on its prow. Although its high cola consumption makes its usage rare, its potency can’t be denied.
- Multifunctional Attributes: The ship can navigate turbulent waters using its Paddle Wheels, while its lion’s mane has the ability to morph into a propeller for rapid retreats.
- Diverse Channel Line-up: From the Paddle Wheels in the primary channel to the inclusion of tools and builds in subsequent channels, each plays a pivotal role. For instance, the 6th channel even houses an inflatable pool.
- Luxury and Comfort: The ship flaunts a lush lawn on its deck, a sprawling aquarium, and a lavish kitchen – a treat, especially for the crew’s resident chef, Sanji.
Amidst its various expeditions, the Thousand Sunny has faced daunting challenges, proving its mettle time and again, especially when Vice Admiral Garp launched an enormous iron ball at it. With the quick activation of the “Coup de Burst”, the ship impressively averted the assault.
The Legacy Continues
While the Going Merry will forever hold a special place in the hearts of the Straw Hat Pirates and fans alike, the Thousand Sunny has carved its own indomitable legacy. Its resilience, agility, and grandeur resonate with the spirit of the Straw Hat Pirates, making it a worthy successor to the Going Merry and an emblem of the crew’s enduring journey.