Online shopping is very convenient. With the click of a button, the entire world of selectable products and services is delivered to your door. However, there is a price to pay for all these cheap amenities and things.
First of all, you can’t physically touch, smell, or judge the actual dimensions of a product like you would in a store. This can lead to all sorts of misunderstandings and epic failures. This is especially true when malicious business from a loosely regulated country is involved.
Then there is the wait. Your order may be jammed at customs, the wrong item may be shipped incorrectly, or it may be damaged in transit. It can take a long time to get a satisfactory product after clicking “Buy” on an online shopping site. But these are the risks we take for bargains and you don’t have to crawl into town looking for something in the store.
1. The person didn’t believe strongly enough.
2. Looks just the right size.
3. Nothing seems wrong here.
4. Did she check the dimensions before ordering though?
5. And some poor girl now has nothing to wear to her prom.
6. Now that’s hilarious!
7. Deadfool.
8. Interesting, since Russia is such an advocate for LBGTQ rights.
9. Leaning Tower of Pawsa!
10. Yeah, these look like adorable slippers.
11. At least he has his beers!
12. They made a whole calendar out of MS clip art, and someone bought it. Impressive.
13. That is exactly what he ordered…
14. It looks like pig feet.
15. That’s just horrible!
16. Gotta love the girl’s stance though.
17. Not sure either one is a good thing.
18. You get what you pay for.
19. It’s a little cloud!
20. Both look equally creepy.
21. Are those cake parts set on cardboard cut-outs?
22. Oh look. Another chair cover.
23. The delivery guy must have liked Star Trek too!
24. Keep it in your pocket, it will block bullets.
25. Wish ALL guns were of that size. Peace, man.
26. He looks so sad because only half of his Kayak arrived.
27. Ordered a smart light bulb but got a fidget spinner instead.
28. Curious as to what the description of this one on Amazon read.
29. Guess it’s to keep your feet warm.