The purest form of happiness is found in life’s intangible and basic pleasures. In order to positively impact our day and add a dash of hope and brightness to it, it often takes a random act of kindness from a stranger, a funny situation that arises out of nowhere, or coming into contact with a devoted pet. And as the years go by, it will be those precious little tidbits of memories that will stay in our hearts and bring us joy.
Bright Side holds that in order to positively influence those around us, we must nourish our souls with wholesome sights. As a result, we have gathered a selection of photos that will enhance your day tenfold.
’’I spotted this cutie at the grocery store.’’
’’My kid had his foot resting on his other leg.’’
“I was having a bad day and this dog walked to my bus stop, sat on the bench, and asked me for pets. I’m now having a good day.”
’’I was having lunch with my mom and this gentleman was having coffee with his late wife.’’
’’My husband said he was going to make a bed frame. I thought it was for our new mattress.’’
’’My grandma turned 90 today. Every morning she goes to McDonald’s for coffee, and today they had a party for her.’’
’’8 months ago, our son, who was mostly wheelchair-dependent, got a support dog. I think we can conclude that together they succeeded.’’
’’After 9 years of being my best friend, he gets to be my best man.’’
’’This picture of my parents never actually happened. These are 2 separate photos that fit perfectly together.’’
’’I live abroad. My grandparents called me to urgently check the security cams of my house back home. Turns out they called so I could see them standing with a heart and waving at me.’’
’’Nimbus leveled up from crinkled tissue to supermodel.’’
’’My grandpa turned 64 today. He grew up poor and had never had a birthday party. Today he had his first one.’’
’’I adopted a kitten for my cat. It’s going well.’’
’’My graduating class and our 92-year-old classmate.’’
’’My girlfriend and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary. We met on Tinder, so naturally, I had our first conversation printed on a blanket.’’
’’The CEO of my company doing the dishes after buying everyone lunch — this is why I love my job.’’
’’2 years ago, this intersection in my hometown became known for hate. This morning, I drew the crosswalk into a symbol of unity.’’
’’After a wildfire destroyed my family’s home, these firefighters saved the animals that were left behind by bringing them food and water.’’
Which of these endearing circumstances made you smile the widest? Have you recently been the recipient or giver of a random act of kindness?