When you go away to college, you are far away from your family, doing things you want and, perhaps, not worrying about cleaning your room, which is one of the most exciting things. Not everybody can afford an entire apartment, so they look for a place to rent with strangers. It is like a gamble when they first meet their roomies, will they be their friends or not?
The first few weeks are fun because you are getting to know each other, sharing your life stories, and having fun. You might catch yourself dealing with questionable and even inappropriate requests once you get used to it.
It definitely comes with its cons, and it might seem exciting to some.
“AITA if I don’t let my roommate’s dad sleep in my bed?” – This university student took it to a well-liked community on the internet to find out if she was really a jerk for refusing to give up her bedroom to her roommate’s dad who is coming over to visit for graduation. The post received over 12K votes and 1.7k comments.
A college student wonders if she is a bad guy for refusing to give up her bedroom to her roommate’s visiting dad.
The author lives in a two-bedroom and two-bathroom apartment with her boyfriend and roommate. The couple and roomie each get a different restroom, while they share a kitchen and the common room, and the lease is parted similarly.
The woman mentioned that she and Mary are both on the lease. Mary is a senior and will graduate in a few weeks, whereas the OP is a junior and will graduate next year, though the author’s boyfriend goes to the same college and will be graduating in three weeks as well.
A couple of days ago, Mary sent a text saying that her dad needs to stay in the woman’s bedroom because the hotels are too expensive for him to fly out for her graduation. The author was taken aback by the request and refused immediately.
Mary kept asking the woman to leave and the OP tried to come up with alternative decisions. She said that her dad could either sleep in her bedroom or the common room, though the roomie wouldn’t allow it. Mary said no and backed it up with the fact that she has to babysit him because his friend has an extra twin bed. The roommate told the author that she was being unreasonable because it was her only graduation.
Mary stated that she started looking for hotels 3 weeks prior to graduation because she was busy, but the OP was not comfortable with having an unknown man sleeping in her bed and staying in her room with all of her personal belongings unattended.
The college student edited the post to say that her father can’t sleep in her room because her mother is also going to be present and the ex-spouses can’t stand to be with each other. Mary is worried that if they use the air mattress, they won’t have enough room for their luggage.
We don’t know if the OP and Mary have found a way out of this situation, but it is obvious that the roommate’s request was completely inappropriate. What would you do?
They shared their thoughts on the request.