The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s director Joe Russo who directed Marvel’s Captain America: Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War and Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War alongside his brother Anthony Russo has confirmed that the late stellar mastermind behind Marvel, Stan Lee, 95 has already filmed his cameo for the fourth installment of Avengers.
The Marvel comics legend Stan Lee has brought many iconic characters in Marvel Comics to life and also gave the world some of the greatest superheroes the world has ever seen. Stan Lee passed away at the age of 95 but by the looks of it before leaving the world and heading to paradise Marvel fans all over the globe might witness Stan Lee’s cameo is a marvel movie for one last time.
According to CBR, Joe Russo has an interview with BBC Radio Scotland back in April 2018 where Russo’s comments have reassured the fans that they will get to see Stan Lee in Avengers 4.
Previously it was reported that Stan Lee has filmed multiple number of cameos in a single go and even asked the head of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige as to in which properties will these cameos feature. Feige told Variety that he will not reveal to the world about the forthcoming cameos of Stan Lee as he always appreciated a good surprise.
Stan Lee also appears as a cameo character in Fox’s X-Men franchise along with Sony’s recently release movie which featured the anti-hero alien symbiote Venom. It is still not clear whether he has filmed cameos for the forthcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix and New Mutants And it is also unclear if Stan Lee will appear as a cameo for Spider-Man: Far From Home.
Many Marvel actors and directors have paid their sincere tribute to the creator of Marvel Comics such as Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, and Evangeline Lilly.