Netflix’s latest Spanish-language crime drama, Sky High: The Series, follows the story of Sole, played by Asia Ortega, a widowed woman trying to support her son after her husband’s death. The show is a sequel to the 2020 movie Sky High and features some characters and actors from its first outing. The series, directed by Daniel Calparsoro, is a thrilling watch that has left fans curious about where it was filmed. In this article, we explore the locations used in the show without revealing any spoilers.
The Filming Locations
Madrid, Spain
As a Spanish-language production, it’s no surprise that Madrid was a primary location for the show. The city served as the backdrop for many of the main scenes, with some iconic places like the Metropolitano Stadium used in filming. Fans of Atletico Madrid will quickly recognize the stadium as their home ground.
Asia Ortega shared lovely behind-the-scenes pictures from filming in Madrid on her social media pages, giving fans a glimpse of the great locations used.
Galicia, Spain
Galicia, with its picturesque hills and dales, was also used in some scenes in the series. Both Lugo and A Coruña can be spotted in several set pieces. The region is also famous for its beautiful coastal areas, which served as additional filming locations.
Actor Fernando Cayo, who stars in the series, shared some tremendous short clips of the beach locations on his Instagram page.
Paris, France
Paris needs no introduction when it comes to its iconic landmarks. As you watch the show, you’ll easily spot several familiar locations in the city.
Portugal, Lisbon
The show’s filming also took place across Portugal’s capital, Lisbon. Fans with an eye for detail will quickly recognize some locations used in the show. Additionally, the Algarve region was also used for filming.
Lagos, Nigeria
According to Fernando Cayo’s Instagram page, Lagos in Nigeria was also used as a location for the show. The pictures shared were taken after the show’s filming in June 2022.
Sky High: The Series is a thrilling crime drama that has captured the attention of many Netflix viewers. While the show’s storyline is intriguing, the filming locations are used to add another layer of interest to the series. From Madrid to Lagos, the sites uto filmming the series are as captivating as the storyself.