Avengers: Endgame showed the return of Peter Parker to the land of living after he was snapped from existence in Infinity War. Although our hero returned after 5 years, he is already gearing up for his next adventure in Spider-Man Far From Home.
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Far from Home may earn $120 million
The film is set to be released this summer, and long-range tracking reveals that it could be opening to domestic weekend earnings of up to $120 million.
The film is not going to to be released until July and speculations by Box Office Pro reveal that an opening of $90 to $120 million would be possible over 3 days. The film will be released just before independence day, so it is possible that it will benefit from the extra long opening weekend.
Highest grossing film
Long range tracking revealed that the film might earn somewhere between $190 to 230 million over 6 days. The first film called Spider-Man: Homecoming made $117 million when it was released in July of 2017. Earnings of the second installment may match or even exceed these numbers.
An opening weekend of $120 million could mean that it would be the highest opening Spider-Man film in the history of the superhero franchise which spanned over 17 years and three versions.
The film will be released on July 2 in theatres worldwide.