Supergirl Episode “What’s So ‘Bout Truth, Justice and the American Way?” official synopsis has been released by the CW.
If you think that the title sounds familiar, then you are right. It is the title of the story which introduced The Elite and Manchester Black in Action Comics #775 by Doug Mahnke and Joe Kelly to the world. The Elite tried best to prove that the criminals are treated way too gently by Superman. It would be much better if he stepped aside to let the rule so what’s required. However, it doesn’t work very well for him.

In 2013, the story was named one of the favorite ones. Back in that time, fans were fault crazy about Man of Steel. A movie named Superman vs The Elite was also based on it and it was pretty well.
The role of Superman was explored in this story. He is not just considered a man who fights to save the world, but also as a superhero who acts as a moral compass for the rest of the heroes in this world.
Supergirl and The Elite Face-off

Manchester Black along with his team breaks out of prison. The Elite, Manchester Black’s team, is set to punish the anti-alien forces. Supergirl Melissa Venous tries her best to apprehend Manchester Black and his team and deals with the new development going on with Ben Lockwood.
Supergirl Season 4 Episode 13 “What’s So ‘Bout Truth, Justice and the American Way?” will be aired on 3 March.
Manchester Black (guest star David Ajala) breaks out of prison with the help of his new team, The Elite, who are set on punishing the anti-alien forces. Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) pulls double duty as she tries to apprehend Manchester Black and his team as well as deal with a shocking new development with Ben Lockwood (Sam Witwer).