American crime drama, SWAT is about to turn the game up a notch with the latest episode. The 19th episode of season 2 has some interesting twists for the fans.
A child abducted
SWAT season 2 episode 19 opens when a child is kidnapped and the team has to find out the whereabouts of a popular syndicate to find him. A ten-second teaser of the episode was released and it opened with an ominous announcement, stating, “A young witness for the team becomes the victim.”
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The scene then cuts to a kid on a bike looking over his shoulder, trying to outrun a dirty cop. We then get a glimpse of Luca, played by Kenny Johnson, calling 911 to report the kidnapping of a child.
The synopsis/spoiler of the 19th episode of SWAT season 2 revealed that the boy who has been abducted is a neighbor of Luca and Street, who is played by Alex Russell. It appears that the team will be looking into the abduction. It was also indicated that the case is related to another episode in which, “home invasion crew targets domestic workers to gain entry into upscale homes.”
Hondo’s childhood revealed?
From the information, it is not far fetched to assume that the little boy may be a witness in a case that could help the team track down the syndicate behind the invasion crew. It also seems possible that Hondo will feel an emotional connection to the boy, giving us a sneak peek into his own childhood.
The 19th episode of SWAT season 2 will air on CBS on April 18 at 10 pm ET.