In an industry where competition is so intense, rarely do we get to see examples of a great friendship between two top stars. Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran, however, defy all trends. While gossip around the town suggests that the two might even be dating – what we know for sure is that they have been great friends for several years now. Before Sheeran’s new collaborations album came out, Swift even gave a shout out to him on Instagram.

Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran Dating?
The two have been known to be very close to each other – so close that some times it gets people wondering if they are more than just friends. The latest picture posted by Swift shows her applying make-up to Sheeran where she called his new album ‘full of bops and instant classics’. She also added that she was ‘proud’ to be his friend and that she wished him all the best.

While this album has a number of star-collabs, Taylor Swift is not one of them. However, she still gave out a shout-out for Sheeran! She has collaborated with Ed in the past, though. Many speculate that the two are indeed dating but are yet to make this relationship public.

Sheeran and Swift: Pop’s Power Couple?

While these are only rumors as of now, there seems to be a lot of logic behind this – there is a good chance that Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran are dating and if that is indeed true, they would be pop’s power couple, right at the level of Kanye and Kim.
*Taylor swift is bullied by scooter & Scott*
Ed Sheeran: I am talking to her privately
*Ed Sheeran releases a new album*
Taylor swift: *uploads a story supporting his art and even wishing him all the best*
— britney ✨ (@swiftially) July 12, 2019
What if @edsheeran end up start dating @taylorswift13 ..WTF 😀 Who's gonna sing for who?
— Bilal Abdul (@Billyjeo) January 27, 2019
this whole time we were confused cause taylor swift and ed sheeran aren't like… dating but…taylor really is just his gay best friend
— ginger beer batter 🌼 (@barbievhs) July 2, 2018