The Cleveland Browns have made a succeeded second win of the season since three seasons ago. For that, they need to thank their little furry friend for that.
Just like an Opposom Browns were of the habit of getting dead at home and killed in the road. But this season there has been a complete turnaround of this fact.
Just like the last time, an opossum had appeared on the field and Browns won the match. In the same manner this time also the same thing happens an opossum appeared before the match and Browns won the match.
These opossum appearance has become the charming factor for the Browns team. As per the media reports as soon as the opossum appears on the field the victory raid starts for the Browns. From the Victory over the Ravens, these opossum has become the lucky X-factor for the Browns in every match. They possess the best team which possesses a chunk of skilled players.
As per the latest reports the Opossum also has a twitter account just as a matter of joke it sounds good and hilarious but in practicality, it is a true fact.
The victories of the Browns are continuously on a row just not because of the appearance of the opossum but also because of the team which possesses the most talented players in the arena.
Thus from these, it has become clear to the audience that Browns have got their lucky charm. Just they need to make things happen as per the requirement of every match. The appearance of this small animal can easily make you think twice of the fact that how Browns can make things happen for continuing their victory lap one after the other. This the team of Browns is smelling victor one after the other.