Don’t we just love funny and silly comics that are very creative and extremely cute? Of course, we love them! That’s why we have featured Brian Kings and his work.
He told us “well, I wanted to make comics my whole life but I never felt ready, had a bad bout with depression, and used the comics to kinda lift myself up. I take an hour a day, usually my lunch break, and make a comic, sometimes I will color when I get home, but being a dad I don’t always have a big pocket of time. In 3 years I think I have missed 6 days of making comics, I have over 1000… guess I was always ready! It’s one of the best parts of my life and my day.
I try and just improve my comics every time I sit down, the first comics were black and white, the colored ones in the very beginning took 5 hours… but now I can knock out a good-looking comic to me in one hour. There are some beautiful comics out there, it’s easy to get intimidated.”
Scroll down to dive deep into his artistic world.