Two of the fire technicians have reportedly died after an incident with a generator occurred at once of the biggest station in all of Antarctica.
National Science Foundation has reported that on 12th of December, two of the technicians were reportedly performing routine maintenance on the building fire system of suppression of a generator. The generator even powers a nearby radio transmitter station.
The maintenance didn’t go according to the pre-plan and a pilot, who was flying a helicopter found the technicians unconscious. The helicopter was waiting for the work to be over as soon as possible.
The moment the technicians didn’t return at the agreed time, the pilot had to go out and check on the technicians. The initial reports also said that there was allegedly a cloud of smoke that was coming out from the building.
Both of the technicians were provided medical support, and they received CPR. One of the men died during the CPR whereas the other man was escorted to the clinic near the facility and was pronounced dead upon arrival.
The McMurdo Station is the most prominent science station as well as the community is the whole of Antarctica which can support around 1,258 residents in the favourable season. The facility is located on Ross Island’s southern tip, part of Antarctica which New Zealand has claimed.
Just like in the movie, the base of the facility will shock anyone. The place is quite a bustling hub that sports a harbour, three airfields, more than 100 buildings and also a helicopter.
Given that there are a number of scientists which are based at the facility, most of the crew are comprised of support staff like IT personnel, engineers, maintenance workers which also includes construction.
The spokesperson representing NSF has revealed that the deaths are not getting treated as a suspicious. The next of the kin of the deceased have also been notified.
Source: sciencealert