There are rules in schools. The policies set in place vary greatly from school to school and district to district. If a student moves to another school district, they may have to adapt to a new set of rules.
Sometimes the rules a school makes are meant to keep the students safe and create a positive atmosphere on campus. Sometimes the rules seem outdated and even discriminatory. When it comes to a student’s appearance, sometimes schools make rules around what is and is not okay. Sometimes a school’s dress code is too restrictive and not necessary.
A woman and her son moved from Ohio to Texas. Their son was going to be a student at East Bernard High School. She didn’t expect to have a problem with the process.
Her son is a good kid. He wants to go to school. Due to one of the school’s policies, Bullock didn’t finish filling out the paperwork. She has been teaching her son.
She feels that the school policy needs to be changed. There is a policy about hair for male students. Male students must have their hair cut above their ears according to the policy. She doesn’t feel that her son should have to cut his hair just to go to high school.
You can watch the video to learn more about the hair policy at East Bernard High School.
Do you think it’s discrimination to require male students to have their hair cut? Do you think your local school district has outdated policies that should be changed?