Social media outbursts concerning two big celebrities last year had the internet split into two groups. You guessed it right! We are talking about the defamation trial case of the infamous duo Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, not to mention Camille Vasquez, the Captain of the Ship from Johnny’s side.

Camille Vasquez Reacts To Depp-Heard Netflix Docuseries, Says, She Finds It Interesting
In 2022, Johnny Depp filed a defamation suit against his ex-spouse, Amber Heard, claiming $50 million in damages, and Heard counterclaimed $100 million in damages. Amber, in an interview with Washington Post back in 2018, represented herself as a survivor of Domestic Violence. Heard made her first public accusation of domestic assault against Depp in May 2016 when, shortly after divorcing Depp, she applied for and was granted a temporary restraining order. However, Depp’s lawyers dismissed all these claims, saying it was “an attempt to secure a premature financial resolution by alleging abuse.”

Camille Vasquez not only represented Johnny Depp but is also known to have represented many other celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Leonardo Dicaprio, and Ben Affleck. The Docuseries on Netflix, directed by Emma Cooper, focuses on the defamation trial involving Depp-Heard. In a recent interview with Access Hollywood, Camille Vasquez shares her feeling and opinions on the Depp-Heard Netflix Docuseries.

In the interview, Camille shared her thoughts on the recent Netflix docuseries, which chronicled the entire trial case. She found it quite interesting what Director Emma has put together.
It was fascinating I mean just to see the way that Emma put together that docu-series. I found it really interesting she utilized the court testimony in a way that told a really compelling truthful account of what took place inside thosefour walls in Virginia.”
Camille Vasquez admitted to being unaware of the Social Media outburst outside the courtroom as they were occupied with their job. They later discovered it through messages from people.
“While we were there inside, doing our jobs, we didn’t really understand the impact this case was having on social media all over the world. You know, towards the end, we started getting messages or people sending us things, but really for the most part, we had no idea that there was this media social storm brewing outside. I’m grateful, that we weren’t aware at the time because we did have a job to do.”
The interviewer asked Camille Vasquez about the pivotal moments she experienced during the trial that confirmed a win-win situation for them.
“It’s been six years of trying times. For six years what we had, were what we say, unfounded allegations, made by his ex-wife Amber Heard against him, and no response public or otherwise, from Johnny Depp, until he filed this lawsuit and he was able to testify there. Six years later, I also think that her cross-examination, which I had the honor of doing on behalf of Mr Depp, was a pivotal moment. Being able to confront her with her own words was so important to Mr Depp and to our overall strategy.”
If you remember the incident about the “pledge” and “donation” that Amber Heard claimed to use synonymously, Camille Vasquez took her time to explain how she countered Amber with her statement.
“It was a key moment and something that the docu-series highlighted. I think that while donations are usually pledged at the beginning and then the payment is made after, they are not used synonymously, as Miss Heard tried to say. The real issue that we had in this case was that for six years Miss Heard had implied and told the world and used the word donated versus pledged that she had donated, and implied that she had paid the seven million dollars to charity. When confronted with it, she tried to back out of that statement and the truth was she had testified under oath and had publicly said she had donated the money implying she had paid it, when in fact, she hadn’t paid anywhere near seven million dollars.”

Lastly, when Camille Vasquez was asked about her opinion on the Social Media firestorm that came pouring on Amber Heard, Camille Vasquez responded by saying that the social media firestorm was reacting to the shreds of evidence.
“I always say that social media in the world was really reacting to the evidence that was being presented in that courtroom and so I think that the reaction was the barometer for the court of public opinion. The court of public opinion was saying ‘we don’t find her credible,’ or, ‘we’re not believing these allegations.’ Even though I think that there was a real desire to believe her, to believe the woman, which is often the case, but I think we were able to establish and show that people shouldn’t be guilty by accusation.”
Watch the latest Depp-Heard Docuseries on Netflix.